
Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Welcome to the Fairnopoly repository

*Current Version: 1.0.1*

<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/fairnopoly/fairnopoly.png” /> <img src=“https://coveralls.io/repos/fairnopoly/fairnopoly/badge.png?branch=master” alt=“Coverage Status” /> <img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/fairnopoly/fairnopoly.png” />

Fairnopoly is a free market place in the hand of the users.

Read more about it at: www.fairnopoly.de

The development currently is in beta state. Please help us out by contributing code.

Getting started

Installing Ruby and Ruby on Rails

If you are not sure how to install Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework on your computer, have a look at Michael Hartl’s excellent tutorial on the subject.

Make sure you install ruby 1.9.3-p392 and not 2.0.0.

Fairnopoly Project Setup (automated)

Note: the automated process won’t work under Windows. To run Fairnopoly locally in development mode, install ruby and rails. Then open up a console and copy & paste in the following line:

git clone git@github.com:fairnopoly/fairnopoly.git && cd fairnopoly/ && git checkout release && ruby setup.rb

What this does:

  • It sets up a local git repository,

    git clone git@github.com:fairnopoly/fairnopoly.git
  • switches to the fairnopoly root path,

    cd fairnopoly/
  • switches the git branch to “release” (which is the branch we currently use for the beta version)

    git checkout release
  • runs the Fairnopoly setup script

    ruby setup.rb

Fairnopoly Project Setup (manually)

If the automated script doesn’t work for you, try going through these steps one by one:

  • Set up a local git repository

    git clone git@github.com:fairnopoly/fairnopoly.git
    cd fairnopoly/
  • Install required gems (preface with rvmsudo if you are using rvm)

    bundle install
  • set up local files and change the setup data if you want

    cp config/environments/development.example.rb config/environments/development.rb
    cp config/initializers/secret_token.example config/initializers/secret_token.rb
  • migrate and seed

    rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed && rake db:test:prepare
  • if you would like to test the mailer, please open the copied file and update it according to your testing mail server

  • you may like to adopt the config/database.yml according to your wishes

  • to use the recaptcha you have to add your keys in the api.yml. You can get the keys at www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/list

  • start rails and have fun

    rails s

Known Issues

  • Could not find pg-0.15.1 in any of the sources

    If you have an error like

    rake aborted!
    Could not find pg-0.15.1 in any of the sources

    Install the Postgres Library:

    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

    Run Bundler

    bundle install
  • (Mac) Invalid gemspec […ZenTest-4.9.1.gemspec]

    If bundler constantly complains about an invalid ZenTest gemspec, run the following:

    gem uninstall ZenTest
    rm [path to the ZenTest-4.9.1.gemspec it gave you in the error message]
    gem update --system


To run the tests: if you haven’t already, prepare the testing database

rake db:test:prepare

Then run the tests


Run an automated test tab with


If you update your branch from before, you may have to migrate the test database:

RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate

Click here to read more about testing in our wiki.


If you want to help out with programming new features or fixing bugs, please consider the following guidelines:

  • If you do no have direct access to our github repository, you can fork it, make changes on your forked repo, and then submit a pull request

  • If you have access to our repository, please create a new git branch before making changes when coding a larger feature

    git branch [featurename]
  • We use BDD (Behavior Driven Development). Please read our wiki page on the subject.

  • When finished with a task:

    git add [corresponding files OR simply . for everything]
    git commit -m "[description]"
    git push
  • If you created a new branch for a larger feature, you need to merge the changes after you are finished:

    git checkout master
    git merge [featurename] master
    [you might need to resolve merge conflicts]
    git commit
    git push

Hint: When a vim window opened after you typed “git commit” without a commit message, you can save the default message by simply typing “:wq” and pressing enter.

Run Solr Server

To avoid having the search not available in your local environment, run

script/delayed_job start
rake sunspot:solr:start

For more information visit our wiki.


Share the idea, take part at www.fairnopoly.de/ and make the world a better place!

Regarding the source, there are two ways to contribute.

  1. Report a bug?

    • Just use the github issue tracker.

    • Please tag added bugs with the “bugs” tag

  2. Want to help out and join feature development?

    • Send us an email at email@fairnopoly.de and work with us to make the world a better place

    • or make a github account and click on the button called “Fork” in the upper right corner of our repository. Then code a few cool features, commit and push your changes, and submit a “Pull Request” so we can implement your work.