
A small class to interface the C++/C console IO functions into Objective-C for console apps

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A small class to interface the C++/C console IO functions into Objective-C for console apps. Written in Objective-C++.


[LCTerminal printString:@"Hello, world"];
[LCTerminal printString:[LCTerminal readString]];
[LCTerminal printStringWithFormat:@"Hello, %@", @"John"];
[LCTerminal printStringWithFormat:@"Your Number: %i", [LCTerminal readInt]];
[LCTerminal printStringWithFormat:@"Your Float: %f", [LCTerminal readFloat]];


Class LCTerminal


Prints the string format formatted with the other arguments by using [NSString stringWithFormat], followed by a newline.


Same as printStringWithFormat, except without a trailing newline.


Prints string str to the console, followed by a newline.

+(void)printStringWithoutNewline:(NSString *)str;

Same as printString, but without the trailing newline.


Inputs an integer from the terminal.


Inputs a float from the terminal.


Inputs a string from the terminal.


Inputs a URL from the terminal.


This code is released under the LGPLv3 licence.