
This holds resources, examples and POC projects from the time learning AWS CDK

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This repo is thought to memorize the first steps when learning to use AWS CDK.

This is an example for an RDS instance witch will be call a docker lambda for initialisation of the Database.

Getting started

https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/aws-cdk-tutorial-typescript This guide shows the basics of using the AWS CDK with TypeScript as an StepByStep Guide. In includes a simple dev and production stack.

S3 + CF



S3 with static web app, CF (+IAM for access to S3), Codebuild (github) https://github.com/ryands17/spa-deploy-cdk


https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/aws-cdk-lambda-function-example Shows how to add lambdas to your Stack.

Lambda Layer

https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/aws-cdk-lambda-layers This show's how to create Layers for Lambda functions. They are used for code that comes 1) from own lib functions and 2) from nodemodules packages.

Prisma Example

https://github.com/aws-samples/prisma-lambda-cdk With the basics above you can know understand this example for using prisma with AWS CDK.

Another Example: https://github.com/ryands17/prisma-lambda


Run a nodejs/next-js service in Docker and sale via fargate. https://medium.com/@srhise/deploying-next-js-on-aws-fargate-with-aws-cloud-development-kit-cdk-5b433257365c

EB for comparision (this also include the redirict to https stuff)


Some tips to Docker



Didn't know why I had these both "open" anymore... https://taimos.de/blog/build-a-basic-serverless-application-using-aws-cdk https://taimos.de/blog/initializing-a-new-cdk-app


What's missing is a good article about the hole private, sub-net, vpn and security of AWS.

Not readed

https://ibrahimcesar.cloud/blog/full-stack-cloud-ssr-server-side-rendering-with-nextjs-tailwind-and-aws-cdk/ Seems covering several related topics together