
[ -x /usr/bin/git ] || sudo apt install git
git clone
cd linuxcnc-live-build
git checkout bookworm
[ -x /usr/bin/lb ] || sudo apt install live-build
lb config
sudo su
lb build

Puts the .iso file in the linuxcnc-live-build folder.

Changes for Bookworm as per 2.9 Getting Linuxcnc Docs

  • Changed to live build for installer: --debian-installer live (installer was not installing linuxcnc).

  • Use the repositories at:

  • Replaced buggy nmtray with network-manager.

  • Changed to use su for lb build.

  • Added ethercat repository. To install: sudo apt update then sudo apt install ethercat-master libethercat-dev. Licencing requirements from the Ethercat Technology Group should be complied with.

  • Added QTPYVCP repository. To install: sudo apt update then sudo apt install python3-qtpyvcp

  • Added Probe Basic repository. To install: sudo apt update then sudo apt install python3-probe-basic

  • NOTE: External repositories provided as a convenience to users if they wish to use companion products. No Software to be installed by this installer.

  • NOTE: ipv6.disable=1 appended to isolinux kernel command line so installation does not stall during network config at sites with no dhcpv6 server.