
zcs-zpush for zimbra 8.8.15+ in ubuntu 18.04

Primary LanguagePHP


This repository is source for integrating Zimbra Single Server and Z-Push + Zimbra Backend to achieve ActiveSync on Zimbra OSE.

Integrating Zimbra and Z-push 2.5.1 with zimbrabackend71 on Ubuntu 18.04 and Zimbra 8.8.15+

Install dependecies

apt update
apt install git php7.4-cli php7.4-cgi php7.4-soap php7.4-mbstring php7.4-curl php7.4-xml php-memcached -y

Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/LinuxCuba/zcs-zpush.git
cd zcs-zpush

Create folder for log

mkdir /var/lib/z-push /var/log/z-push
chmod 755 /var/lib/z-push /var/log/z-push
chown zimbra:zimbra /var/lib/z-push /var/log/z-push

Save z-push folder on /opt/

cp -rvf z-push /opt/

Create symlink

ln -sf /opt/z-push /opt/zimbra/jetty/webapps/

Save php script on /usr/bin

cp php-cgi-fix.sh /usr/bin/php-cgi-fix.sh
chmod +x /usr/bin/php-cgi-fix.sh

Backup and replace jetty.xml.in

cp /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/jetty.xml.in /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/jetty.xml.in.backup
cp jetty.xml.in-for-zcs-8815 /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/jetty.xml.in
chown zimbra.zimbra /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/jetty.xml.in

Replace php.ini

cp /etc/php/7.4/cgi/php.ini /etc/php/7.4/cgi/php.ini.backup
cp php.ini /etc/php/7.4/cgi/php.ini

Restart Zimbra Mailbox

su - zimbra -c 'zmmailboxdctl restart'

For testing, please access https://ip-of-zimbra/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync from your browser. Or you can configure your mobile devices and ensure exchange as protocol