
Minio python sdk wrapper library for use in CDP python based services.


Gradle Setup

Make sure you have setup taasArtifactoryUsername and taasartifactoryPassword in gradle.properties

A gradle python plugin is being used for the build, a local build file can be used to override certain behaviour for working locally.

The project contains local.build.gradle which can be leveraged to get the project building locally, it overrides the python executable and also adds wh-imaging-pypi-virtual as an added extra index url so internal dependencies can be installed.

in summary following python block wioth local build gradle is updated like

python {

    //Python dependencies start
    pythonBinary = 'python3'
    extraIndexUrls = [whImagingPypiVirtual]
    trustedHosts "https://na.artifactory.swg-devops.com"
    pip 'minio:7.0.3'
    pip 'whi-caf-lib-python-logger:3.1.0'
    pip 'whi-caf-lib-configreader:3.2.0'
    pip 'pytest-mock:3.6.1'
    pip 'asyncio:3.4.3'
    //Python dependencies end

    envPath = '/opt/ibm/whi/app'

NOTE: whImagingPypiVirtual should be set to pypi repository in gradle.properties like "https://<IBM email>:<Artifactory-key>@na.artifactory.swg-devops.com/artifactory/api/pypi/wh-imaging-pypi-virtual/simple"

Alternatively for internal dependencies, you can update the pip.conf file at appropiate location to have --index-url set to correct pypi repository. just add following to pip.conf

timeout = 60
index-url = https://<IBM email>:<Artifactory-key>@na.artifactory.swg-devops.com/artifactory/api/pypi/wh-imaging-pypi-virtual/simple

Note: location of pip file maybe determined by pip config list -v

Run gradle build with specific file

gradle clean build -b local.build.gradle #build the project creates artifacts and runs unit tests

Note: The craeted artifact will be in build/dist directory

Basic Usage/ Testing

The package is hosted at our internal pypi repository, install using pip by

pip install whpa-cdp-minio-python-client --index-url "https://<IBM email>:<Artifactory-key>@na.artifactory.swg-devops.com/artifactory/api/pypi/wh-imaging-pypi-virtual/simple"

NOTE: you can alternatively pip install build/dist/whpa_cdp_minio_python_client-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl this .whl artifact is created as part of build so you can install it after running gradle build.

from cdp_minio.wrapper import MinioClientApi
import asyncio
import io

Sample code to show usage of this library

client = MinioClientApi("localhost:9001", "minio", "minio123")

async def execute():
    await client.make_bucket("client-c")
    exists = await client.bucket_exists("client-c")

    print(f"Bucket Exists: {exists}")

    # upload object to bucket, can use fput_object to upload a file as object instead
    result = await client.put_object(
        part_size=10 * 1024 * 1024,

        "created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format(

    # download object from bucket, can use fget_object to download toa  file instead.
    myobject = await client.get_object(bucket_name="client-c", object_name="hello")
    print(f"retrieved object {myobject}")


Functional Testing Notes

  • can run a minio instance and execute library methods for checking bucket uploading object and retrieving it etc.
  • refer wrapper.py for avaiable methods