
The JustWatch API for nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JustWatch API

The justwatch.com API for node js.


npm install --save justwatch-api

API Reference

const JustWatch = require('justwatch-api');

Class: JustWatch

new JustWatch([options])

  • options <Object>
    • locale <string> The locale to use when performing requests. Default: en_US

jw.request(method, endpoint[, params])

  • method <string> The HTTP method for the request
  • endpoint <string> The API endpoint
  • params <Object> Parameters to send with the request
  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Send a general request to the JustWatch API.


Search for a title.


  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Get a list of available providers.


  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Get a list of available genres.


  • season_id <integer> The ID of the Season. Can be obtaines from the getTitle('show', {ID of the TV show})
  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Get a list of season details and lists all episodes for a given TV show's season


  • show_id <integer> The ID of the TV show
  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Get a list of episodes for a given TV show. For a complete list of episodes for a season, use getSeasons above.

jw.getTitle(content_type, title_id)

  • content_type <string> movie or show
  • title_id <integer> The ID of the title to get
  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Gets a specified title


  • person_id <integer> the ID of the person to get
  • Returns: <Promise> A promise that resolves to the response

Get a person by their ID.