
A user friendly gui for command line tools

Primary LanguageRust


WIP: 🖼️ A user friendly gui for command line tools 🖼️

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This project is still in development and not ready for production use. Please join the matrix or discord server for updates!

Vulpine helps you to visualize and interact with command line tools. It is a simple and user cross-platform, opensource app built with tauri and rust.


  • Create app configuration files inside the app
    • You can also edit them with your favorite text editor
  • Create complex actions using a visual scripting editor
  • Run apps with a single click
  • Add input fields to apps
  • Share apps with others
  • Cross platform on windows, linux and macos (mobile and web in the future)

Getting started


Install rust and pnpm first. Then install the dependencies of tauri. Click here for more information.

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install tauri-cli --version "^2.0.0-beta" --locked
cargo install trunk
pnpm install

Running in development

To have faster compile times, you can set the number of threads to use in the RUSTFLAGS environment variable.


$env:RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8"
cargo tauri dev


RUSTFLAGS="-Z threads=8" cargo tauri dev

Building for production

cargo tauri build