A printer for the Control Flow Graph.

Primary LanguageC



  • LLVM version: 9.0.0svn;
  • CMake version: 3.13.4;
  • Some classes like ConstantExpr, ConstantAggregate and PHINode are recursively built by using its own operands;
  • I use the same labels assigned by the llvm on the Basic Blocks to identify each node;


Compilation outside the LLVM

  1. export LLVM_DIR=<path to llvm build>
  2. cd <printer base dir>
  3. mkdir build
  4. cd build
  5. cmake ..
  6. make

Compilation inside the LLVM

To add the Pass to the llvm compilation tree:

  1. cp BitcodePrinter <path to llvm source>/llvm/lib/Transforms/
  2. Add add_subdirectory(BitcodePrinter) to <path to llvm source>/llvm/lib/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt

Then, we can compile the llvm normally (now with our pass included):

  1. cd <path to llvm source>
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"
  5. make


Outside the LLVM compilation

opt -load BitcodePrinter/LLVMBitcodePrinter.so -bitcode-printer < <filename>.bc

Inside the LLVM compilation

opt -bytecode-printer < <filename>.bc

Execution option

The generated .dot files will be in the same directory that the command was run with the name <function name>.dot. If you want to add a suffix name in the name of the .dot output files, you can use the -s <suffix> option:

opt -load BitcodePrinter/LLVMBitcodePrinter.so -bitcode-printer -s <suffix> < <filename>.bc

The resulting files now will have the name <suffix>_<function name>.dot.