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Emacs Solo is a configuration for when I wanna go back to the roots and test my self using Emacs with only built-in goodies.
It is minimalist and powerful. A place I visit once in a while.
Clone this repository into a directory of your liking and run Emacs with:
emacs --init-directory=YOUR_DIR
You can also simply copy init.el and early-init.el into any folder issue the same command as above
And that’s it, happy hacking! 🐂
The usual answer is M-b to go back to the beginning of the word. C-M-SPC to expand the selection to the end of the word and M-w.
Custom Emacs-Solo Solution: Use the isearch way to search a word (it has better completion than C-M-SPC), like M-s M-. you can now just M-w.
Original problem: I usually consult-outline, then embark-collect and wgrep...
You can start by using occur, or using isearch and than moving to occur.
Next start the edit mode of the occur buffer with e.
Make your changes, apply it with C-c C-c
Original problem: I usually consult-grep, then use embark collect and wgrep...
Open dired on the root folder of where you search will happen. Mark some files and or folders with m.
Use dired-do-query-replace-regexp or in a dired buffer hit Q.
Confirm it all or one by one, use ? to check the options.