
Run Flask app in Kubernetes with separate frontend and backend.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Flask Kubernetes

Read the related blog post: Running Flask frontend and backend in Kubernetes.


Install docker

Install minikube


Run the following commands in shell 1.

Start Kubernetes:

minikube start

Make current environment available in Kubernetes:

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Build Docker images

docker build -t flask-frontend -f frontend/Dockerfile ./frontend
docker build -t flask-backend -f backend/Dockerfile ./backend
#docker image prune -f

Load Docker images to Kubernetes

minikube image load flask-frontend:latest
minikube image load flask-backend:latest

Deploy the Flask applications:

kubectl delete deploy flask-deployment
kubectl create -f ./k8s_deployment.yml

Publish the Flask applications:

kubectl delete service flask-services
kubectl create -f ./k8s_service.yml

Confirm that services exist:

kubectl get services

Expose services to the host:

minikube tunnel

Review the app

Open minikube dashboard and see if deployments succeeded. Run in shell 2:

minikube dashboard

Check the frontend in browser: http://localhost:5100

Check the backend in browser: http://localhost:5200/msg/