
Primary LanguageMATLAB

This project aims to classify between two brain signals: a face and a scrambled face. The signals are collected using a MEG with 306 channels. The classification is across people - trails of a single person cannot be both in the train set and in the test set.


Vectorview-all.lout: Contains data regarding the sensors (squids): Their (x,y) location and their type (gradiometer x, gradiometer y, magnetometer)


getSensorData - 
         reads the Vectorview file and outputs the sensor type and location (x,y)

createSubmissionCsv(trail_num, predictions, submission_file_name) - 
         gets a zero,one predictions vector and outputs writes the submission file

showChannelsWeights - 
        gets a vector of weights one for each channel in the MEG and draws a heat map.
[sensor_in_pyramid_group, groupedTogether] = createSpatialPyramid(sensor_location, number_of_groups_in_lower_level) - 
 groups together spatially neighboring sensors and repeat this using larger group (until all channels are in one group)

createKCenters -
          generates a bag-of-features representation for the timeseries
do_online_classification - 
       uses VW (online classifier) to classify the data. First it scrambels the order then it writes the data in VW format to a temp file and runs VW.

lib_svm_classification - 
       uses LIBSVM for classifcation

toVWformat - 
       writes the data to a file using the VW format

splitSamplesUsingGroups -
       splits the data into X-folds in a way that all samples from the same group should be in the same fold.
       input:    An identity matrix (num_samples x num_groups)
                 Number of folds.
       outputs:  The training set to be used at each fold.
                 The groups used at each fold.

minmaxScaleFeatures - 
       scales each features so that the minimum value should be 0 and that the maximum should be 1.

zeroMeanUnitVarFeatures - 
       scales each feature so that its mean (over all samples) is zero and its std is one.

groupScaling - 
       for each group it scales all the group samples using only data from the samples of the group
mainClassification - 
     Loads the samples and does classifcation using five folds

mainChannelClassification - 
     Split the data into the different channels than for each channel it tries to perform classifcation indepentently.

divideToPreAndPostStimulus - 
     divides the timeseries into pre and post stimulus

dataMatrix = normalizeTrailPriorToStimulus(preStimulsData,postStimulsData) -
     normalize each trail using the prestimulus mean and std (zero mean, unit std)