Words counter & stats

JavaScript Style Guide


Clone the git repository via:

$ git clone https://github.com/LiorRabin/words-counter-and-stats.git

Navigate to the project folder and install all needed dependencies via npm:

$ npm install

Run locally

  • Create an .env file from the .env.example file.
  • Update the .env file parameters:
    • NODE_ENV
    • PORT = port you wish the server to listen to
    • REDIS_URL = redis://
  • Start you local redis server
  • Run using npm start (or npm run dev to run with nodemon and restart on code changes)

Run dockerized version

  • Create an .env file from the .env.example file.
  • Update the .env file parameters:
    • NODE_ENV
    • PORT = port you wish the server to listen to
    • REDIS_URL = redis://words-counter-and-stats-redis
  • Run using npm run docker-start (stop using npm run docker-stop)


See API Docs

Source linting

npm run lint performs a lint for all source code using standard js.


Code released under the MIT License.