Frontend testing: sensing sensibly

Evented architecture is already tough to test around. The extra challenge of testing client-side browser behavior is that you immediately have to start making concessions: How many browsers and versions are we supporting? How do we test multiple drivers, letting alone how to do it efficiently, cheaply, and without making every dev and CI environment have to maintain a whole QA team’s worth of tools? If we test only one, which one? What if we could ignore the vicissitudes of browser implementation, assume the polyfills will hold, and just test against the W3C standard itself—a fixture that simulates the DOM?

That’s what Jest and JSDOM do, offering an RSpec/Jasmine-like framework to rapidly exercise whole React SPAs worth of business logic on a local Node. It’s an easy thing to reach for (unless you have particular needs that require actual browser rendering), and it’s how we cover all our JavaScript on cars_web.

The challenge, in a nutshell

But we still have evented architecture to contend with. Jest’s philosophy skews toward “mock everything and only unmock the thing you’re testing directly.” Now if we were a React/Redux app with a render root and update reconciliation and state subscription and an action dispatch queue and lifecycle hooks, and everything was wired perfectly together with data flowing down and events bubbling up, all to create a responsive ocean of finitely cascading actions and asynchronous reactions…that might make a lot of sense. We aren’t that. We’re more something of a loose soup—chunks of all manner and size of things that weren’t intended to go together (but it doesn’t taste bad, necessarily), just sort of sloshing around in a too-small bowl.

It’s not bad, per se, but it ain’t great, at least not from a testing perspective. It means there are a lot of side effects. Because of our reliance on observer-like patterns to hydrate server-rendered markup and client-side behavior on page load and keep it synced whether or not sockets are partially or wholly involved, side effects are a huge component of how our app does what it does and how it breaks when it breaks. Again, this is not necessarily bad; but, definitionally we can’t rely on

  1. following a a call chain to discover what else should (or could) or shouldn’t be triggered,
  2. anything blocking or not blocking the main thread,
  3. order of execution,
  4. the time it may take for any given thing to happen,
  5. events bubbling normally without being captured or swallowed,
  6. errors (or any event) having a traceable cause,
  7. patterns to definitively prevent infinite loops, or
  8. centrally orchestrated anything.

Great. 😬 So how do we test the thing? (Because—and hopefully this is abundantly clear—we must absolutely, definitely test the hell out of this mess.)

An example

Spoiler: Unlike Jest,

I would recommend mocking/stubbing as little as possible to maximize the possibility that, if/when (read: when) we accidentally cause collisions, races, loops, or missed or duplicate effects, they’ll show up in failed or flaky tests rather than in production.

Aside: In frontend testing, a flaky test is both de rigueur and not to be tolerated. If it fails once, it is a failed test. Even if it’s challenging to reproduce, it’s not a fluke, it’s indicating a real oversight.

Anyway, let’s jump into an example app and talk about common side effect testing scenarios.


The current definition of a “side effect (computer science)” on Wikipedia1:

…an operation, function or expression is said to have a side effect if it modifies some state […] outside its local environment, which is to say if it has any observable effect other than its primary effect of returning a value to the invoker of the operation. Example side effects include modifying a non-local variable, modifying a static local variable, modifying a mutable argument passed by reference, performing I/O or calling other functions with side-effects. In the presence of side effects, a program's behaviour may depend on history; that is, the order of evaluation matters. Understanding and debugging a function with side effects requires knowledge about the context and its possible histories.

One of the lovely features of an infrastructure like Redux is its action dispatch queue, by which we can more or less deterministically record, manage, and/or orchestrate the flow of data and state and its consumers. It serves as our “knowledge about the context and possible histories.” So how are we supposed to understand side effects without a global action, event, or effect queue?

If we knew our side effects were changing state, we could create a sandbox, run effect-causing code, and then observe how the sandbox was changed. But we know that side effects can do more than that—they can create user-like events; they can make XHR calls; they can log to the browser console or trigger alerts and dialogs; they can change cookies, write to local storage, mutate the value of form fields and submit forms, add or remove nodes from the DOM, attach or remove event listeners, inject or monkeypatch scripts in the document…

Because we can’t rely on directly observing side effects, we’ll try to catch our functions in the act of doing the side effects—a tactic that is historically called “sensing.”

// effects.ts

export function aliceEffect(_event: Event) {
  console.debug("foo_event in aliceEffect()");

Here’s our first “handler”: what I’ll call these functions that are downstream from event listeners and do 👋 stuff 👋—in this case, log to the debug channel of the console.

// app.ts

import { aliceEffect } from "./effects";

type tHandler = (event: Event) => void;
type tConfig = { [x: string]: tHandler };

const LISTENER_CONFIG: tConfig = {
  foo_event: aliceEffect

export function init(config: tConfig = LISTENER_CONFIG) {
  for (const [event, handler] of Object.entries(config))
    window.addEventListener(event, handler);
// index.ts

import { init } from './src/app';


This our app’s bootstrapping process. The goal is to link event handlers to events, so we

  1. create an object to hold our configuration: key-value pairs of string event types and handler functions;
  2. create an initializer which processes that configuration: for each key, attach the event listener for that event type to the window; and then
  3. running our app calls the initializer.

Okay, let’s write tests!

An easy unit test

// effects.test.ts

import sinon, { assert, spy, stub } from "sinon";
import { aliceEffect } from "../effects";

afterEach(() => {

describe("aliceEffect()", () => {
  test('logs "foo_event" to the console (debug)', () => {
    const debugStub = stub(console, "debug");
    aliceEffect(new Event("foo_event"));
    assert.calledOnceWithExactly(debugStub, "foo_event in aliceEffect()");

My testing rule of thumb has a second half: mock/stub as little as possible, but spy as much as you like.

Sinon is a nice little library for unobtrusive sensing and mocking. While Jest does much of this out of the box, it’s pretty clunky, so we’ll use Sinon as long as it’s already in our project (which it is!).

Here (above) we set up a spy for the effect we expect—the methods we expect our function under test to call.

For clarity: A spy is a wrapper for a function (or object) that records information about calls made to it. In most frameworks, the function is replaced with a dummy or stub, sometimes with the option to "call through" to the original. In Jest and Sinon, the original function behavior is maintained (by default).

We stub rather than spy on debug() because we don’t actually want all that console noise when we run hundreds of tests.

In Sinon, a stub is a dummy replacement for a function. It records all the same information that a spy does, but it also prevents the original function from running. Stubs accept all arguments*️⃣ and return nothing by default, but you can define any behavior that calling functions might expect. In Jest, these are called mocks.

*️⃣  In TypeScript, Sinon stubs accept the same arguments as the original function, and you’re expected define the return type to match as well.

Sinon’s mocks are stubs that also have expectations attached to how they're used. This means they're prescriptively tied to implementation details, which is a specialty use case we won't get into here.

It probably goes without saying that Sinon’s and Jest’s sensing, expectation/assertion, and matching classes are not interchangeable. However, there are some test utility libraries that let you mix them.

Aaanyway, we then call the handler and then check for the expected effects. These effects aren’t stateful, so we can’t look for evidence that they happened; instead, we sense them with our spies. Notice the API is written in past tense: called*(). This is because we are not the spy, nor do the spies let us intercept the calls as they happen. Instead, we have to ask our spies after the fact to report to us what they witnessed.

In unit testing our handlers, this is all straightforward. Call the function, check the spies. Everything that happens after we hear an event is synchronous. How do we test that events are sounding and being heard correctly?

Targeted language

I’m using this sounding/listening/hearing language deliberately. Events are not thrown and caught like exceptions. Neither are they sent and received like messages. We attach “event listeners” to EventTargets to declare that the target is listening for events of a particular type. Hearing and responding to an event doesn’t necessarily prevent other listeners on the same target or even other targets from also hearing and responding to the event. The grand scheme of how events are propagated and captured is fairly complicated and out of scope of what we’re doing here; but, generally speaking, unless otherwise prevented, events flow in two phases: first they are dispatched to a target’s children, and then they are bubbled to a target’s parent. A target can be anything to which an event is dispatched, whether or not it’s listening.

An asynchronous integration test

// app.test.ts

import { spy, stub } from "sinon";
import * as effects from "../effects";

describe("events", () => {
  describe("foo_event", () => {
    test("fires aliceEffect()", async () => {
      spy(effects, "aliceEffect"");
      stub(console, "debug");
      /* ... */

The system under test will now be our whole app’s event handling setup, so, while not end-to-end (i.e. in a browser), I’d still call it a kind of integration test. One thing that makes it tricky is that our handler—the thing we want to sense (exported by src/effects.ts)—is a dependency of the module under test (imported by src/app.ts).

We can import and spy on aliceEffect() in the test file, as we did with debug(), but the src/effects.ts module cached for use in src/app.ts is probably not same code that was spied on. (Sinon’s docs remind us that exports can’t be destructured—a common and desirable way to import methods—without breaking those references.) So we’ll have to create a link seam: load, intercept, mock, and cache the dependent module app-wide, but only while its consumers are under test.

As much as I love Sinon, it’s not a module interceptor…but Jest is. The easiest way to get Jest to do what we want is with the two-part incantation:

import "./foo-module"; // whether or not we use anything from it in this test file

🪄 And now 🪄 for every test scope in this module (including beforeAll(), etc.), foo-module will be mocked for the whole environment. By default, it has the same API as the original, but all members have been replaced by Jest mock functions which are synchronous, accept anything, do nothing, and never throw. Very powerful. This is especially handy for mocking modules that access external processes or need to be rerouted in test (such as fs, path, or fetch).

We don’t actually want a whole mock, though. We want the module’s original behavior in all ways, we just want to wrap one method in a spy before sending the module off to be cached. So that’s what we tell Jest to do. The solution is verbose but effective.

// app.test.ts

import sinon, { SinonSpy, spy } from "sinon";
import { aliceEffect } from "../effects";

jest.mock("../effects", () => {
  const { aliceEffect, ...original } = jest.requireActual('../effects');
  return {
    __esModule: true,
    aliceEffect: spy(aliceEffect),

afterEach(() => {
  (aliceEffect as SinonSpy).resetHistory();

Now, when we import { aliceEffect } from "../effects"; here and anywhere else in the app (as long as it’s invoked from this test context), we’ll get the spy!

One last little gotcha: jest.mock() gets hoisted above everything in this module, including the declaration of local variables. Incidentally, Sinon also loses track of the spies we created in the mocked module.*️⃣ But it's just as well—we don't want these spies restored between each test, anyway. So in teardown, we'll explicitly call resetHistory() to clear their call history between tests.

*️⃣  We could memoize them to this module's scope (i.e. this inside an arrow function callback passed to jest.mock() is the module scope), but it's really ugly and annoying to do in TypeScript and I don't wanna. Guess it’s TS’s way of discouraging too-clever JS shenanigans.

Now, let’s add the test:

// app.test.ts

import sinon, { SinonSpy, assert, spy, stub } from "sinon";
import { aliceEffect } from "../effects";
import { init } from "../app";

jest.mock("../effects", () => { /* ... */ });

let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers;
beforeEach(() => {
  clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
afterEach(() => {
  (aliceEffect as SinonSpy).resetHistory();

describe("events", () => {
  describe("foo_event", () => {
    test("fires aliceEffect()", async () => {
      const event = new Event("foo_event", { bubbles: true });
      stub(console, "debug");
      await clock.runAllAsync();
      assert.calledOnceWithExactly(aliceEffect as SinonSpy, event);

The test itself shouldn’t be too surprising. First, notice that it’s declared asynchronous

test("fires aliceEffect()", async () => {

so we can use the await syntax.

We create a synthetic event with { bubbles: true } because I want to demonstrate that, wherever an event is sounded from, it can bubble up to the “global” listeners attached to the window.

Stub console.debug() so it’s not noisy.

In most apps, we’ll have some setup helpers or rendering process that initializes our test environment. In this stripped-down example, I’ve already created a seam so we can attach our listeners when we want (i.e. after each test’s sensing setup) with init().

That done, we can get to the functional bit of the test: we have one of window’s children sound a foo_event.

In the test setup (in beforeEach()), we created a test clock that can do two things for us: it replaces all of the global time APIs (setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, setImmediate, clearImmediate, process.hrtime,, and Date) with versions we can control, and it has some methods that break the event loop and flush pending callbacks and outstanding promises. This means that if, in the actual running of our app, we would have to wait for a timeout to callback or an endpoint to return, in test, we can fast-forward to the moment when all that is done. Why should we wait at a red light when, not only is there no traffic, but we control the traffic?

To finish up the test, we tell the clock to advance time, flushing all the scheduled asynchronous calls. This includes our events bubbling, our listeners hearing and our handlers handling.

Jest also has fake timers and they function much the same.

If you find you have to wait an arbitrary amount of time for things not tied to job scheduling (animations, cascading events, the (dis)appearance of elements), @testing-library/dom has utilities such as waitFor(), which will retry any code you give it until it doesn’t throw. For example:

await waitFor(() => { expect(appearingElementQuery).toBeTruthy(); });

Finally, we assert our spy saw what we expected it to see. While TypeScript remembers aliceEffect()’s signature as the way we wrote it, that was at compile time. We know it will be replaced by a spy at runtime; so, we have to cast it to a SinonSpy to please calledOnceWithExactly()’s API.

That’s all there is to it! 🎉

(Yeah, I know it’s a lot.)

Testing downstream effects

One can imagine that, in a simple setup like this, when we have a ton of top-level listeners, we can probably take for granted that the right handlers are called for the right events. Testing that every handler that is declared and attached the same way is called the same way is pretty tedious, and I get diminishing ROI in terms of confidence per test written. It’s probably better to seam up and unit test our listener configuration and attachment algorithm; then, assuming that works, test the final effects of sounding events over testing that the handler itself was called.

// app.test.ts

describe("init", () => {
  test("given a configuration of events and handlers, attaches listeners to \
  the window", async () => {
    const config: { [x: string]: sinon.SinonStub } = {};
    for (const eventType of ["zim", "gir", "dib", "gaz"])
      config[eventType] = stub();
    for (const eventType of Object.keys(config))
      document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventType, { bubbles: true }));
    await clock.runAllAsync();
    for (const [type, handler] of Object.entries(config))
      assert.calledOnceWithExactly(handler, match({ type }));

describe("events", () => {
  describe("foo_event", () => {
    test("logs to console.debug()", async () => {
      const debugStub = stub(console, "debug");
      document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event("foo_event", { bubbles: true }));
      await clock.runAllAsync();
      assert.calledOnceWithExactly(debugStub, "foo_event in aliceEffect()");

    test("fires aliceEffect()", async () => { /* ... */ });

Let’s add complexity

Now that we have the idea, let’s add another handler, and this one should respond to bar_events.

// effects.ts

export function bobEffect(_event: Event) {
  console.debug("bar_event in bobEffect()");
// app.ts

import { aliceEffect, bobEffect } from "./effects";

const LISTENER_CONFIG: tConfig = {
  foo_event: aliceEffect,
  bar_event: bobEffect

And to test:

// effects.test.ts

import { aliceEffect, bobEffect } from "../effects";

describe("bobEffect()", () => {
  test('logs "bar_event" to the console (debug)', () => {
    const debugStub = stub(console, "debug");
    bobEffect(new Event("bar_event"));
    assert.calledOnceWithExactly(debugStub, "bar_event in bobEffect()");
// app.test.ts

jest.mock("../effects", () => {
  const { aliceEffect, bobEffect, ...original } =
  return {
    __esModule: true,
    aliceEffect: spy(aliceEffect),
    bobEffect: spy(bobEffect),

afterEach(() => {
  (aliceEffect as SinonSpy).resetHistory();
  (bobEffect as SinonSpy).resetHistory();

describe("events", () => {
  describe("bar_event", () => {
    const event = new Event("bar_event", { bubbles: true });
    let debugStub: sinon.SinonStub;

    beforeEach(async () => {
      debugStub = stub(console, "debug");
      await clock.runAllAsync();

    test("fires bobEffect()", () => {
      assert.calledOnceWithExactly(bobEffect as SinonSpy, event);
    test("logs to console.debug()", () => {
      assert.calledOnceWithExactly(debugStub, "bar_event in bobEffect()");

  describe("foo_event", () => { /* ... */ });

Notice we have to update the mocked module to return the spy-wrapped bobEffect().

I believe it’s a matter of taste how much repetition to extract into setup and teardown blocks. There are pros and cons to either extreme. Here, I’m DRYing the tests out to highlight repetition and save space.

All the tests pass and everything looks good. We could continue on like this indefinitely.

Logic creep

What if the powers-that-be were to say, “This is all great, but when the app does aliceEffect, it should also do bobEffect.” We might solve it this way:

// effects.ts

export function aliceEffect(event: Event) {
  console.debug("foo_event in aliceEffect()");

export function bobEffect(_event: Event) {

And of course we have to update our tests. Most of them are trivial, except…

// app.test.ts

describe("foo_event", () => {
  const event = new Event("foo_event", { bubbles: true });

  beforeEach(async () => {
    stub(console, "debug");
    await clock.runAllAsync();

  test("fires bobEffect()", () => {
    assert.calledOnceWithExactly(bobEffect as SinonSpy, event);

  test("fires aliceEffect()", () => { /* ... */ });
  test("logs to console.debug()", () => { /* ... */ });

Even though it’s practically identical to the aliceEffect() test, this one fails. The spy is never called. Why? The problem here is we have no seam by which to sense bobEffect as a dependency of aliceEffect because they’re declared in the same module. The spied-on aliceEffect() calls the real, locally defined bobEffect(), not the spy. We need another seam.

But why should one change an implementation just to make it easier to test?

I won’t advocate for it in all situations, but a case of inadequate test seams at least invites us to reconsider our implementation. Indeed, this points to three potential issues:

  1. Poor discoverability: We can’t tell from our configuration object that a foo_event will trigger bobEffect(). That information is buried in the implementation and the tests.
  2. Artificial entanglement: bobEffect() doesn’t actually have any relation to aliceEffect()’s implementation. Instead, it’s related to what triggers aliceEffect().
  3. Brittle behavior: Associating these effects in implementation opens us up to a whole new hell of special casing. What if the very next ask of us is, “Do bobEffect whenever the app does aliceEffect, except…”

Instead, let’s make our configuration/initializer more flexible. Now each event type can be associated with either a single effect or an (arbitrary length) array of effects:

// app.ts

type tConfig = { [x: string]: tHandler | tHandler[] };

const LISTENER_CONFIG: tConfig = {
  foo_event: [aliceEffect, bobEffect],
  bar_event: bobEffect,

export function init(config: tConfig = LISTENER_CONFIG) {
  for (const [event, handlers] of Object.entries(config))
    for (const handler of castArray(handlers))
      window.addEventListener(event, handler);
describe("init", () => {
  test("given a configuration of events and handlers, attaches listeners to \
  the window", async () => {
    const stubA = stub();
    const stubB = stub();
    const stubC = stub();
    const stubD = stub();
    const config = {
      zim: stubC,
      gir: [stubC, stubB],
      dib: [stubC, stubB, stubA],
      gaz: [],
    for (const eventType of ["zim", "dib", "gaz", "quux"]) // -gir +quux
      document.body.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventType, { bubbles: true }));
    await clock.runAllAsync();
    assert.calledOnceWithMatch(stubA, { type: "dib" });
    assert.calledOnceWithMatch(stubB, { type: "dib" });
    assert.calledWithMatch(stubC, { type: "zim" });
    assert.calledWithMatch(stubC, { type: "dib" });

Verbose, but it gets the job done. There are many, many perfectly acceptable ways to test this. It’s not really relevant to this article, but I thought I’d include it as an example of what might constitute adequate coverage.

The handler configuration may be defined in an array, but this doesn’t determine their order of execution, only their order of attachment to the window. Thus we can’t safely make any assertions about the order of calls to stubC.

Wrapping it all up

After all that, we have one last failing test:

// app.test.ts

describe("foo_event", () => {
  const event = new Event("foo_event", { bubbles: true });
  let debugStub: sinon.SinonStub;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    debugStub = stub(console, "debug");
    await clock.runAllAsync();

  test("logs to console.debug()", () => {
    assert.calledWith(debugStub, "foo_event in aliceEffect()");
    assert.calledWith(debugStub, "foo_event in bobEffect()");

  test("fires aliceEffect()", () => { /* ... */ });
  test("fires bobEffect()", () => { /* ... */ });
 FAIL  src/test/app.test.ts
  ● events › foo_event › logs to console.debug()

    AssertError: expected debug to be called with argument
    "foo_event in bobEffect()"

    Call 1:
    "foo_event in aliceEffect()"
    Call 2:
    "bar_event in bobEffect()"

      |     assert.calledTwice(debugStub);
      |     assert.calledWith(debugStub, "foo_event in aliceEffect()");
    > |     assert.calledWith(debugStub, "foo_event in bobEffect()");
      |            ^
      |   });
      | });


// effects.ts

export function bobEffect(_event: Event) {
  // same effect, regardless of the event received
  console.debug("bar_event in bobEffect()");

This innocuous little oversight is the real reason we’re here. "bar_event in bobEffect()" is doing the heavy lifting of representing any and all complex downstream effects an event could trigger. See how easy it is to bake our assumptions into misleading naming, comments, and test cases/coverage.

Evented architectures are necessarily declarative; and, while it doesn’t often look like it, JavaScript was designed as a functional language and works beautifully as one. Thus, best practices dictate that we

  • keep functions small;
  • describe things plainly, as they are and what they do (and not how or what they’re used for); and,
  • design for generics and polymorphism, pushing specificity as far as possible to the entry points or leaves of operational chains.

In test is our chance to verify those atoms, but, more importantly, it’s where we both document and exercise our intentions and actual usage of these molecules of behavior. If we mock everything but the atoms, the test will never tell us more than what we implicitly assumed when we wrote them. If the following were all the tests we wrote for foo_event:

describe("foo_event", () => {
  const event = new Event("foo_event", { bubbles: true });

  beforeEach(async () => {
    stub(console, "debug");
    await clock.runAllAsync();

  test("fires aliceEffect()", () => {
    assert.calledOnceWithExactly(aliceEffect as SinonSpy, event);
  test("fires bobEffect()", () => {
    assert.calledOnceWithExactly(bobEffect as SinonSpy, event);

we never would have caught that bobEffect() assumes a bar_event and does the wrong thing for other events.

I’d go as far as to say we don’t even need these sorts of tests. The unit tests in effect.ts cover this behavior. Do we actually care that sounding a foo_event triggers these implementation details? No, what we care about is that foo_event gets the right strings logged to the console. Then that’s what we should test.

The moral of the story is this:

Don’t test that your code says what you told it to say.

Test that your code does what you intend it to do. (And falsifiably so!)


1 Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 17). Side effect (computer science). Wikipedia. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from

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