
A project management tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Graph

Build Status Coverage Status

A project management tool

This is built on NodeJS and Express. It is a stateless JSON API.


This assumes you have NodeJS and Neo4j installed. I suggest installing Node via NVM.

  1. clone the repo
  2. cd project-graph
  3. nvm use
  4. npm install


  • Install Neo4j
  • Start Neo4j, set a new password for the neo4j user.
  • Make a copy of the file /config/database.example.json and name it database.development.json
  • Change the value in the password field to match what you set in your local Neo4j.


  • Run npm start
  • In another terminal run curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/efforts' to test the API
  • The terminal will return a url beginning with chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html, copy the complete url into chrome to debug the node process with the Chrome DevTools. I recommend install the node inspector manager to have a much more pleasant debugging experience.
  • I recommend install Insomnia or Postman unless you are a CuRL expert.