Jupyter Notebook Extensions

The notebook scpy3-nbextensions-demo.ipynb demonstrates the usage of these extensions.

This repository contains a collection of extensions that add functionality to the Jupyter notebook for the book "Scientific Computing with Python".

To install the extensions:

jupyter nbextension install scpy3 --user

and then enable the extensions:

jupyter nbextension enable scpy3/NAME

where NAME is:

  • style: add theme selector to toolbar
  • macro: add macro key in edit mode
  • copycells: copy cells between notebooks
  • slice: manage cell snippet
  • iconbox: render box with icon
  • maximize: toggle notebook header
  • toc: add table of content
  • run_mdcell: run code in markdown cell and insert result into it
  • bookmark: add bookmark to cell
  • slide: add slide mode by reveal.js

Convert code by convert.py

All the extensions are written in Python, and converted to Javascript by flexx.pyscript.

To convert the code, run following command:

python convert.py



Customize style sheet:

  • Hide prompt
  • More padding-right for TOC
  • Add a theme selector in the toolbar

The themes are download from jupyter-themes.


This extension provides macros in edit mode. To edit macros, type $ and then Alt-m, a dialog box will be popped up.

Here is the default settings:

default_macros = {
    "fig":'![](/files/images/.png "")',
    "tip":'> **TIP**\n\n> ',
    "source":'> **SOURCE**\n\n> ',
    "warning":'> **WARNING**\n\n> ',
    "question":'> **QUESTION**\n\n> ',
    "link":'> **LINK**\n\n> \n\n> '

To input macros, type a macro name, and then Alt-m. If the macro name is ambiguous, add a $ before the name.


Copy cells between notebooks.

  • Select the cells and then press Alt-c to copy it.
  • Press Alt-v to paste cells in clipboard.
  • Press Alt-a to append selected cells to the clipboard.
  • Press Alt-Shift-v to paste a selected cell, this will popup a typeahead form.


Quick insert code slice in to current cell:

  • To register a slice: Type some code into a cell, and then press Alt-i, input slice group : slice name and press the Ok button.

  • To insert a slice in to the current cell: Press Alt-l. If the current cell is not code type, a new cell will be inserted.

  • To remove a slice: Press Alt-l, select the slice and press Alt-delete.


Render markdown cell as a box with icon. The cell must contain only a blockquote element, which is created by > in markdown. Here is a list of the five types:

icon box

  • a tip box
> **TIP**

> This is a tip
  • a link box
> **LINK**

> http://google.com

> This is google
  • a warning box

> This is a warning
  • a source box
> **SOURCE**

> This is a source code
  • a question box

> This is a question

It can also render a round box, for example:

> What is NumPy

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:


is rendered as:

icon box


Enlarge notebook edit area by hiding title, menubar and toolbar. In maximized mode the notification area will be moved to lower-left of the screen.

  • Ctrl-↑: Maximize notebook
  • Ctrl-↓: Return to normal mode


This extension collects all running headers in the notebook and display them on the right side of the notebook.

  • Alt-t: Toggle table of content
  • Crtrl-←: Jump to previous head
  • Crtrl-→: Jump to next head

The TOC plugin is from https://github.com/wenzhixin/side-menu.

run mdcell

Run python code block in markdown cell and insert the output below it:

  • Alt-r: Run the codes in markdown cell


Add bookmark to cell, and jump to bookmarked cells quickly. Bookmarks are saved in cell's metadata.

  • Shift-1, Shift-2, Shift-3: Toggle bookmark type for current selected cell
  • Ctrl-Shift-1, Ctrl-Shift-2, Ctrl-Shift-3: run makered cell
  • Shfit-←: Jump to previous bookmark
  • Shfit-→: Jump to next bookmark


Convert the notebook to presentation with reveal.js.

  • p: Start presentation.
  • Alt-p: Configure the reveal.js parameters.
  • q: Back to notebook mode in presentation mode.