
Create a new repository on the command line

init repository in local folder

git init

add or track file

git add

commit changes and add message

git commit -m "first commit"

add remote repository with the name origin

git remote add origin

push commits

git push -u origin master

just push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Clone LiqiLearningGroup repository into your own computer

edit by Prefocuson

(You have already set your git tool linked to your github account)

First, get the repository address of LiqiLearningGroup

You can click into a specific repository to get its address on the right of "Clone or Download", get the address. Like the image shown: Clone the repo address

Now you have copied the address of the repository(Git repo address open your command tool.

Choose a local folder to clone repository into. Use "cd" command to choose local folder.I get the folder named "Github"(the image below).

git clone

"Enter" to done it.

Now, you have succeed to clone the repository into your own folder. Clone folder

Then you can edit files by yourself. Using master or branch to edit, it's both ok, the way you like.