
use webRTC cabilities with Angular (Angular 4 rtc recorder component etc..)

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The demo application uses the RtcMediaRecorderModule which encapsulate a use of the getUserMedia and MediaRecorder APIs for using the camera + microphone and record the stream.

Available components:

  • RtcMediaRecorderComponent:
    • Add RtcMediaRecorderModule to app module imports and start using in your component templates

<ng-rtc-media-recorder [constrains]="constrains" [showVideoPlayer]="false" [fileName]="my_recorded_stream_file" (startRecording)="announceStart($event)" (fetchRecording)="handleVideoStream($event)"> </ng-rtc-media-recorder>




Instruct the browser if to record video/audio or both, default value is {video: true, audio: false}




When set to 'false', the video player element won't be visible, default value is 'true'




Default value is 'my_recording'



Can be used for toasting that recording had started

First define callback function in your controller,

  announceStart() {
    alert('Start recording!');

And then use it in your template:



Can be used for fetching the recording when stopping the recorder

First define callback function in your controller,

  handleVideoStream(blob) {
    // can send it to a server or play in another video player etc..
    console.log('do something with the recording' + blob);

And then use it in your template:



Can be used for toasting that the file was downloaded

First define callback function in your controller,

  announceDownload() {
    alert('Start recording!');

And then use it in your template:


** Supported browsers are Chrome and Firefox.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.4.5.

webRTC references:

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.