
Probabilistic models in R using JAGS, BUGS and a bottom-up approach of the model by Agarwal et al., 2015: Do organic results help or hurt sponsored search performance.

Primary LanguageR

Probabilistic modelling using JAGS, BUGS and the Metropolis algorithm in R

This project follows the bayesian hierarchical model by Agarwal et al., 2015: Do organic results help or hurt sponsored search performance?, including its supplementary material, in R using JAGS, BUGS and a bottom-up approach. probabilistic_modelling_agarwal.pdf is a complete documentation and description of the project including inline code. (I urge you, read it. It'll be worth the read!)

Data simulation

  1. As a first step, we simulate the data and parameters in the model by Agarwal et al. 2015 in 0_data_simulation.R.

MCMC using JAGS, BUGS and the raw Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

  1. JAGS_attempt.R is a formulation of the model in JAGS. As it is recursive, JAGS doesn't work.
  2. BUGS_attempt.R is a formulation of the same model in BUGS. BUGS allows for recursive models, but can lead to stackoverflows, as happened here.
  3. Metropolist_agarwal.R is a (loose) interpretation of the authors' appendix as this is written vaguely. It is the raw Metropolos-Hastings algorithm without any libraries used.
  4. JAGS_running.R is a running model in JAGS which has been simplified to not be recursive anymore.

We highly value clarification by the authors on their notation and model formulation.

Built with

  • MCMCpack
  • JAGS from here, including Kruschke's DBDA2E-utilities
  • R2OpenBUGS
  • rjags