
Reorder Analysis is an R-based project for analyzing retail restocking needs. It processes sales, inventory, and SKU data, interfacing with SQL Server to inform reorder decisions.

Reorder Analysis Project


This project involves the analysis of reorder data in a retail context. The primary objective is to process and analyze sales data, inventory reports, and SKU details to inform restocking decisions. The analysis pipeline is built using R and connects to a SQL Server database to fetch required data. Key operations include data cleaning, transformation, aggregation, and visualization.



  • R and RStudio
  • Access to SQL Server with necessary permissions
  • Required R packages: RPostgreSQL, dplyr, dbplyr, data.table, lubridate, reshape2, stringr, readxl, writexl, openxlsx, tidyverse, odbc


  1. Install R and RStudio: Download and install R from CRAN and RStudio from RStudio Download.

  2. Install Required Packages: Open RStudio and install the required packages by running the following command in the console:

    install.packages(c("RPostgreSQL", "dplyr", "dbplyr", "data.table", "lubridate", "reshape2", "stringr", "readxl", "writexl", "openxlsx", "tidyverse", "odbc"))
  3. Database Connection: Ensure you have the necessary credentials and network access to connect to the SQL Server.


  1. Configure Database Connection: Modify the database connection details in the script with your SQL Server information (host, database, user ID, and password).

  2. Data Files: Place any required CSV files in the specified directory and update the file paths in the script accordingly.

  3. Run the Script: Open the R project and execute the scripts in the RStudio environment. The scripts are organized sequentially from data loading to final data writing.

  4. Output: The final output will be an Excel file containing the aggregated and analyzed reorder data.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the SQL queries used in the script match the schema and tables present in your SQL Server database.
  • The script includes data cleaning and transformation steps tailored to the specific structure of the input data. Adjust these as necessary for your dataset.
  • The analysis parameters like time frames, SKU details, and inventory levels can be modified to fit different analytical needs.