
This R Markdown project conducts detailed weather-related sales analysis. It includes data loading, cleansing, integration of sales with weather data, trend analysis, and correlation studies, all wrapped in a modular, reusable code structure with comprehensive documentation and an MIT license.

Weather Analysis Project


This R Markdown project is designed for conducting a comprehensive weather analysis related to sales data. The script encompasses various data processing steps, including sales and weather data manipulation, trend analysis, and correlations between weather conditions and sales performance.


  • Sales Data Processing: Functions to clean and prepare sales data for analysis.
  • Weather Data Integration: Tools for loading and processing weather data, and aligning it with sales data.
  • Analytical Functions: Custom functions for systemwide sales analysis and weather trend analysis.
  • Modular Design: Each major step is encapsulated in a function for better organization and reusability.
  • Data Exporting: Capabilities to output processed data and analysis results.


The following R packages should be installed for the script to function correctly:

  • tidyr
  • dplyr
  • reshape2
  • lubridate
  • geosphere
  • zipcode
  • RCurl
  • corrplot


To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up File Paths: Replace the placeholder paths in the run_analysis function call with the paths to your actual data files.
  2. Run Analysis: Execute the run_analysis function to process the data and perform the analysis.
  3. Review Results: Check the output files for insights and data visualizations.


run_analysis("path/to/Flash Sales by Order Date.csv", 
             "path/to/store list.csv", 


Contributions to enhance the script's functionality or to extend its capabilities are welcome. Please ensure to follow coding standards and add appropriate documentation for new features.


  • Lisa Li - Initial work


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to all contributors and collaborators who have provided data, insights, and expertise to the project.