A Django ecommerce site for a Star Wars fictional weapons trader.

Heroku app (Some functionality missing on mobile at the moment)

I had minimal experience with Django so a structured tutorial felt like it would be useful as a refresher and to fill in some areas of knowledge that I hadn't covered yet. I've continued with the Star Wars theme used in a previous small project. Following this tutorial has helped me to understand how to better organise a Django app and the deployment process.

What I learned:


  • Using a context processor to access data across all templates.

Testing & Formatting

  • Using the coverage library to help identify where tests are needed.
  • Setting up test data and using the Client object.
  • Fixing import statements using isort.


  • Working with sessions: saving and retrieving data.
  • Using Ajax to dynamically update the number of items in the basket and the totals on the basket summary page.

Users & Admin

  • Overriding Django's built in user functionality to create a custom user model, forms, and views.
  • Sending an email with a unique token to validate new users or reset passwords.
  • Configuring the admin view display fields and filters.


  • I watched through the chapter of the tutorial for handling payments through Stripe but I decided not to include a real payment system for my fictional shop.


  • Moving secret keys and other private data to environment variables using the Ubuntu .profile file.
  • Set up AWS account with S3 storage for static files and new IAM user.
  • Setting environment variables in Heroku.
  • Using the Heroku Procfile to handle database migration and load data.
