Ashutosh Mishra

Flowers in Chania

I am Ashutosh Mishra. I am from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I am interested in machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. I am a curious bug. I love how the ML is changing the world. I would love to be in the front of the war for AI.


Machine Learning Deep Learning Natural Language Processing Image Processing Data Visualization Cloud Computing OpenCV Django Flask SQL Python Java C++

Work Experience


Certification Subject Date Completed University/School
Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) Computer Science Engineering and Applications 2019 Indira Gandhi Instt. of Technology
High School Computer Science 2015 DAV Public School, PKT
Secondary Science 2013 DAV Public School, GC



A. Coursera

Certificate Link Image License No.
Neural Networks and Deep Learning here 496.82 NSLLPHB73CK8
Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization
and Optimization
here 39.82
Structuring Machine Learning Projects here CPRG2V273V8W
Sequence Models here EENSCYPMD9NN
Feature Engineering here NW9PUATT9BB3
### Udemy


  • TCS IT quiz Qualifier
  • Finalist for 1st Smart India Hackathon