
Post Challenge Analysis for the Meta-Learning from Learning Curves challenge (1st round)

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Step 1: Follow starting_kit/README.md to create an environment with required packages.

Step 2: Select which agent to run by modifying the following line in ingestion_program_2/ingestion.py:

For example:

from random_search_agent import Agent

All agents name can be found in sample_code_submission

Step 3: Run ingestion program: python ingestion_program_2/ingestion.py

Step 4: Run scoring program with results from Step 3: python scoring_program_2/score.py

As the results for different agents are stored in output/agent_name/ after Step 3, you should modify the following line in scoring_program_2/score.py:

For example:

default_output_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "output/random_search_agent/")

Step 5: Observe the results in output

NOTE: To collect the trajectory of an agent, you can check which action is selected at each step by the agent in the suggest() function implemented in each agent.