
ceylon JSON object representation

Primary LanguageCeylonMIT LicenseMIT


Ceylon JSON object representation

This project is based and in general is similar to SDK module ceylon.json. In contrast with SDK it contains mutable and immutable JSON object and array.

####JSON value Value JSON operates with: String | Boolean | Integer | Float | JsonObject | JsonArray | Null

####JSON Object JSON object is enumerated with three states: mutable, immutable and empty:

  shared interface JsonObject
      of MutableJsonMap | JsonMap | EmptyJsonMap
      satisfies Map<String, JsonValue>
  • MutableJsonMap is mutable JSON object and it is very similar to SDK ceylon.json.object. Any embeded objects and arrays mutable object contains are mutable. If immutable sub-item passed to mutable object it is converted to mutable internaly.
  • JsonMap is immutable JSON object. It can be filled only at initialization. JsonMap contains only immutable embeded JSON objects and arrays. If mutable sub-item passed to initializer it is converted to immutable internaly.
  • EmptyJsonMap is immutable and represents object which is always empty.

####JSON Array JSON array structure is similar to JSON object:

shared interface JsonArray
    of MutableJsonList | JsonList | EmptyJsonList
    satisfies List<JsonValue>