
A commitizen adapter for the angular preset of https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Installing the command line tool

Commitizen is currently tested against Node.js 12, 14, & 16, although it may work in older versions of Node.js. You should also have npm 6 or greater.

Installation is as simple as running the following command (if you see EACCES error, reading fixing npm permissions may help):

npm install -g commitizen

Adding Commitizen to your repo

There are two ways to use it in your repo.

Simply and locally

Simply use git cz or just cz instead of git commit when committing. You can also use git-cz, which is an alias for cz.

Alternatively, if you are using npm 5.2+ you can use npx instead of installing globally:

npx cz

or as an npm script:

  "scripts": {
    "commit": "cz"

When you're working in a Commitizen-friendly repository, you'll be prompted to fill in any required fields, and your commit messages will be formatted according to the standards defined by project maintainers.

Making your repo Commitizen friendly

For this example, we'll be setting up our repo to use this adapter (cz-lissone-changelog). First, install the Commitizen CLI tools:

npm install commitizen -g

Next, initialize your project to use the cz-lissone-changelog adapter by typing:

commitizen init cz-lissone-changelog --save-dev --save-exact

Or if you are using Yarn:

commitizen init cz-lissone-changelog --yarn --dev --exact

Note that if you want to force install over the top of an old adapter, you can apply the --force argument. For more information on this, just run commitizen help.

The above command does three things for you:

  1. Installs the cz-lissone-changelog adapter npm module
  2. Saves it to package.json's devDependencies
  3. Adds the config.commitizen key to the root of your package.json file as shown here:
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "cz-lissone-changelog"

Alternatively, Commitizen configs may be added to a .czrc file:

  "path": "cz-lissone-changelog"

This just tells Commitizen which adapter we actually want our contributors to use when they try to commit to this repo.

commitizen.path is resolved via require.resolve and supports:

  • npm modules
  • directories relative to process.cwd() containing an index.js file
  • file base names relative to process.cwd() with .js extension
  • full relative file names
  • absolute paths

Please note that in the previous version of Commitizen we used czConfig. czConfig has been deprecated, and you should migrate to the new format before Commitizen 3.0.0.

Conventional commit messages as a Global utility

Install commitizen globally, if you have not already.

npm install -g commitizen

Install your preferred commitizen adapter globally.

npm install -g cz-lissone-changelog

Create a .czrc file in your home directory, with path referring to the preferred, globally-installed, commitizen adapter.

echo '{ "path": "cz-lissone-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc

You are all set! Now cd into any git repository and use git cz instead of git commit, and you will find the commitizen prompt.

Pro tip: You can use all the git commit options with git cz. For example: git cz -a.