Tool to collect performance reports in JSON format from TeamCity, insert into ClickHouse and visualize.

  • clickhouse-backup - backup clickhouse data.
  • clickhouse-restore - restore clickhouse data.
  • report-aggregator - stats server, provide access to ClickHouse via HTTP API tailored for analytics (inspired by Cube.js query format).
  • tc-collector - collect performance reports from TeamCity artifacts and insert to ClickHouse.
  • transform - transform existing data into another form. Raw JSON report is preserved as is, but for performance reasons maybe needed to pre-analyze and extract data into separate columns during collecting. And as data requirements changes, re-analyze the whole data set maybe required.

Dashboard Editing

Directory dashboard contains Vue.js application built using Element Plus Desktop UI Library.

  • pnpm i to install dependencies. pnpm is recommended, do not use Yarn or NPM.
  • Run serve Run Configuration (don't forget to restart in case you have new data in Database)
  • pnpm run dev to start a dev server with hot module replacement.
  • Change Server to http://localhost:9044

To change dashboard, edit your dashboard page *Dashboard.vue, for example IntelliJDashboard.vue or GenericMetricDashboard.vue.

LineChartCard or BarChartCard supports measures property. Specify desired metric. Multiple metrics are supported, but keep in mind that each metric means chart series and overuse can make chart unreadable.

If metric is extracted from report to field, just use it's field name. Otherwise use:

  • activityCategory.activityName to get duration value
  • activityCategory.activityName.s to get start value.
  • activityCategory.activityName.e to get end value.

For example, if activity launch terminal reported under category prepareAppInitActivities, use prepareAppInitActivities.launch terminal as metric name. Or prepareAppInitActivities.first render.s to get start value of first render.

Adding a New Database

cd ~/Documents/report-aggregator

clickhouse client -h to use clickhouse client to perform SQL queries.

  1. Set env DB_NAME to desired database name:
    export DB_NAME=
  2. Create directory for your database in db-schema and copy report.sql from another database.
  3. Execute SQL:
    clickhouse client -h --query="create database $DB_NAME"
    clickhouse client -h -d $DB_NAME --multiquery < ./db-schema/common/installer.sql
    clickhouse client -h -d $DB_NAME --multiquery < ./db-schema/common/collector_state.sql
    clickhouse client -h -d $DB_NAME --multiquery < "./db-schema/$DB_NAME/report.sql"