

The TFS Cross Platform Command Line utility (tfx-cli) is used to install tasks. It is built on Node.js, so if you have not already got Node.js you have to install it.

Then, to install a task run the following commands in a Node.js command prompt:

  • npm install -g tfx-cli - This installs the tfx-cli tool.
  • tfx login - The login is reused throughout the entire session.
    • Enter collection url > https://your.tfs-server.com/DefaultCollection
    • Enter personal access token > 2lqewmdba7theldpuoqn7zgs46bmz5c2ppkazlwvk2z2segsgqrq - This is obviously a bogus token... You can add tokens to access your account at https://your.tfs-server.com/_details/security/tokens.
  • tfx build tasks upload --task-path c:\path-to-repo\vso-agent-tasks\JsonTokenReplacement
    • If you change your mind and do not want a task anymore, you can remove it with tfx build tasks delete 120F4F0C-74EC-4487-B13E-C3C79E55A211, where the Guid is easiest found in the task.json of your task.

If you make a change to a task that you have previously uploaded, you have to bump its version before you upload it again. The server does not allow overwriting the content of an existing version.