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- 4
[Feature] Support kotlinx.datetime values
#323 opened by rocketraman - 3
posOp is not typesafe any more in 4.7.0
#364 opened by rocketraman - 1
CoroutineCollection#save doesn't use specified Serializer (kotlinx.serialization)
#365 opened by emmaboecker - 1
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.litote.kmongo.service.ClassMappingTypeService: org.litote.kmongo.serialization.SerializationClassMappingTypeService not a subtype
#363 opened by Taskeren - 4
IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.bson.internal.OverridableUuidRepresentationCodecRegistry
#361 opened by Nopock - 1
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- 1
De-deprecate `@MongoId`
#366 opened by akowal - 1
Improve Date storage using Kmongo
#362 opened by shpirt - 1
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Bug / Help with UUID find and replace
#358 opened by shmezi - 1
id serialization
#359 opened by Lewik - 1
Update unsigned integers
#356 opened by CLOVIS-AI - 0
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How to do typed queries multiple levels deep such as findOne(RootObject::somefield::name eq "x")
#355 opened by toefel18 - 3
custom named Id field ignored
#354 opened by NoZomIBK - 0
Add support for $arrayElemAt, $ifNull, $dateToString and typesafe $lookup shortcut
#353 opened by zigzago - 1
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Trying to debug typed queries throws kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'CoroutineFindPublisher' is not found.
#350 opened by k-arabadzhiev - 3
Help needed on creating a geo2dsphere index
#347 opened by hamza-maqsood - 1
What is the future outlook for kmongo? - Timeline?
#346 opened by Morons - 2
Connection timeout
#348 opened by NoakPalander - 1
setTo is not using kotlinx.serialization @SerialName when working with enuns
#343 opened by sanford-ware2go - 1
How to not persist a property without excluding it from Ktor serialization?
#342 opened by a-vezzoli-02 - 1
Warning when inserting element.
#341 opened by pacsinta - 0
- 0
Support $count aggregation operator
#333 opened by rocketraman - 0
test: use latest flapdoodle version & allow to select the mongo server test version
#345 opened by zigzago - 3
Info: GeoJSON manipulation through ORM
#317 opened by PetkevichPavel - 1
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Typed queries ignore @SerialName annotations on enum values, regression from 4.4.0
#331 opened by krodyrobi - 2
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Transaction causes an error
#324 opened by ronjunevaldoz - 5
Unable to create a client: IllegalAccessError
#322 opened by beau-ronin - 1
How to add item to array in field
#326 opened by ronjunevaldoz - 9
Filters not working after upgrading to 4.4.0
#316 opened by gjermundgaraba - 3
Problem with kmongo-serialization
#325 opened by FranDevet - 0
BSON Null Serialization Mappers Break `KMongoConfiguration.resetConfiguration()`
#320 opened by realjenius - 0
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Custom serializer issue
#318 opened by m5rian - 3