- 10
Appreciation post
#426 opened by krisgerhard - 1
How to aggregate objects by regex on list
#421 opened by giamat6 - 1
Expose default Jackson codec
#424 opened by hrothwell - 1
STOP debug org.mongodb.driver logs
#423 opened by Morons - 6
From version 4.7.0 Java 8 compatibility is broken
#417 opened by gigitalz - 0
- 4
Kotlinx Serialization?
#419 opened by cybellereaper - 0
Request: Add explicit error message when incorrectly registering codecs to prevent OutOfMemoryError
#418 opened by korri123 - 1
Wrong regular expression generated
#409 opened by ronjunevaldoz - 2
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- 0
org.bson.BsonInvalidOperationException: writeBinaryData can only be called when State is VALUE or INITIAL, not when State is NAME
#397 opened by nacyolsa - 0
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replaceOneById doesn't use a custom CodecRegistry
#389 opened by piglovesyou - 4
kotlinx - UUID Serializer - String
#411 opened by auretanos - 0
Feature Request - MongoDB Compass Pipeline shell to kotlin kmongo support
#413 opened by ronjunevaldoz - 4
ERROR: Invalid build configuration. Attempt to create a global synthetic for 'Record desugaring' without a global-synthetics consumer.
#405 opened by NoodlesXNoodles - 1
Support for CSFLE and Queryability Encryption
#412 opened by marzelwidmer - 1
Use mongodb kotlin bson implementation
#410 opened by mervyn-mccreight - 0
Can CoroutineCollection<T>.replaceOne(replacement, options) be made non reified?
#408 opened by jfontsaballs - 0
Consider adding a classpath argument to the ServiceLoader.load call in ClassMappingType.kt
#407 opened by bitspittle - 0
update error when use nested properties and `setTo`
#404 opened by WankkoRee - 1
- 1
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When using Jackson as the default object mapping engine, updateMany() doesn't serialize objects properly
#394 opened by rxsto - 1
IntelliJ IDEA Endpoints view stuck loading when property directly using getCollection
#392 opened by Nowp - 4
- 0
Support setWindowFields in aggregation DSL
#388 opened by tradeJmark - 1
- 2
How to build generic query function without having ERROR: "Left-hand side of a callable reference cannot be a type parameter"
#403 opened by urosjarc - 7
- 1
ERROR: 'WrappedObjectId' is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of 'Id'
#406 opened by urosjarc - 2
How to find document by embedded property.
#399 opened by urosjarc - 2
How to register custom kmongo codec in kotlin?
#398 opened by urosjarc - 1
- 1
Cannot deserialize a json object with error Cannot construct instance of `org.bson.json.JsonObject`
#387 opened by omkar-tenkale - 1
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komongo 4.7.1 unrecognize coroutine extension using 1.6.4 coroutine 1.7.20 kotlin
#377 opened by ronjunevaldoz - 1
Make ReturnDocument.AFTER default?
#375 opened by Giuliopime - 3
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Add client metadata for KMongo
#369 opened by jyemin - 3