
A toy storage, used to compare different mvcc storage models.

Primary LanguageRust


A toy storage, used to compare different mvcc storage models.


RocksDB's user timestamp

  • There is 2 column families: default and old
  • Prewrite store in memory with WAL
  • Only committed data write to RocksDB
  • Use RocksDB's user timestamp to implement MVCC, RocksDB support Get(key, ts)
  • Move old versions into old CF when compaction


  • There is 3 column families: default, lock and write
  • Prewrite store in default and lock CF
  • Commit delete lock and put write
  • GC scan write CF


  • There is 2 column families: latest and old
  • Prewrite store in memory with WAL
  • Only committed data write to RocksDB
  • Move old versions into old CF when update


  • insert
  • update
  • delete
  • point select
  • range scan