================================================================================ Build the Project ================================================================================ In order to build the project, you will need nVIDIA's OptiX. Install OptiX first if you don't have it. Then put the project's root directory into OptiX's SDK directory, e.g. PathToOptiX/SDK/MaoPPM and add the project to OptiX SDK's CMakeList.txt, e.g. add_subdirectory(MaoPPM) After that, you have to generate the parser yourself. cd to the project's root directory and type the following commands: $ bison -d -v -t -p pbrt -o parsers/pbrtParser.cc parsers/pbrtParser.y $ flex -P pbrt -o parsers/pbrtScanner.cc parsers/pbrtScanner.l Now you can use cmake to generate the Makefile and build the project. If your compiler complains that it cannot find the "atomicAdd(...)" function, you have to specify the "-arch" option for nvcc. When configuring using CMake, find the "CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS" option and append "-arch=compute_20" to the value. Note that you cannot simply separate the arguments by space, you must separate them by colon. But for other options like "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE" you should separate them by space, this should be the OptiX's problem. So on my machine the value looks like this: --use_fast_math;-arch=compute_20;-code=sm_21 ================================================================================ Run the Program ================================================================================ The program takes stdin as input, so use the following syntax to run the program: $ ./MaoPPM < scene.pbrt