Mao's new progressive photon mapping.

Primary LanguageC++

Build the Project

In order to build the project, you will need nVIDIA's OptiX. Install OptiX
first if you don't have it. Then put the project's root directory into OptiX's
SDK directory, e.g.


and add the project to OptiX SDK's CMakeList.txt, e.g.


After that, you have to generate the parser yourself. cd to the project's root
directory and type the following commands:

    $ bison -d -v -t -p pbrt -o parsers/pbrtParser.cc parsers/pbrtParser.y
    $ flex -P pbrt -o parsers/pbrtScanner.cc parsers/pbrtScanner.l

Now you can use cmake to generate the Makefile and build the project.

If your compiler complains that it cannot find the "atomicAdd(...)" function,
you have to specify the "-arch" option for nvcc. When configuring using CMake,
find the "CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS" option and append "-arch=compute_20" to the value.

Note that you cannot simply separate the arguments by space, you must separate
them by colon. But for other options like "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE" you should
separate them by space, this should be the OptiX's problem.

So on my machine the value looks like this:


Run the Program

The program takes stdin as input, so use the following syntax to run the

    $ ./MaoPPM < scene.pbrt