
Mac Automator service that will try to grab English text from a screenshot selection.


Mac Automator service that will try to grab English text from a screenshot selection. Please note that Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is not perfect and can only make a best guess.



  • Save .workflow file to {YOUR HOME DIRECTORY}/Library/Services.
  • Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services.
  • In the list of services shown, select General > Get Screenshot Text (English).
  • Click on Add Shortcut button next to it, and type in any sequence of keys you want as a trigger for this new service.
    • Make sure it's unique and not an existing keyboard shortcut for anything else.
    • If you want to follow the existing pattern for the built-in screenshot shortcuts, refer to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Screenshots.


  • Type in the keyboard shortcut you created during workflow installation.
  • This should prompt you select a screenshot.
  • For best accuracy, try to select an area that only has English words -- no other icons, symbols, or pictures.
  • The detected English text will be pasted onto a new TextEdit document.
  • If there are any mistakes in text recognition, you can tweak it as needed before using the data as you need.