
Use simple method to crawl the place id in designated area

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


利用簡單方法搜尋指定區域內的店家 Place ID, 搜尋方法是使用google places api的雷達搜尋

Name Description
PlaceIDFinder.py 店家Place ID爬蟲


Name Version
googlemaps 2.5.1


先安裝 googlempas, 並下載 PlaceIDFinder.py

pip install googlemaps

再來 import Finder class, 就能開始設定搜尋內容了

from PlaceIDFinder import Finder

插入您的 Google Places API key, 並設定 radius, displacement,
start_location(西南座標), end_location(東北座標) #正方形對角走法

id_finder = Finder(key='Your API key', radius=radar_search_radius, disp=coord_move_disp, type=place_type,
                   southwest_location=(start_lng, start_lat), northeast_location=(end_lng, end_lat))

設定&取得 radar search 的搜尋半徑(radius)

id_finder.radius = 700
_radius = id_finder.radius

設定&取得 座標移動距離(displacement)

id_finder.displacement = 0.06
_disp = id_finder.displacement

設定&取得 起點座標(southwest_location), 終點座標(northeast_location)

id_finder.southwest_location = (22.669266, 120.341372)
_start_loc = id_finder.southwest_location  # return type is tuple

id_finder.northeast_location = (24.723396, 125.018303)
_end_loc = id_finder.northeast_location  # return type is tuple

設定&取得 搜尋店家類型(place_type)

id_finder.place_type = 'restaurant'
_place_type = id_finder.place_type

執行搜尋並取得 place id總數(id_count), place id的list(id_list)

_id_count, _id_list = id_finder.run()

# 也可以在搜尋(run)完後, 直接取得
_id_count = id_finder.id_count()
_id_list = id_finder.id_list()

檢查資料有無輸入 或兩座標的輸入有無錯誤


將 id_list 寫成txt儲存



以簡單程式來作為範例, 搜尋區域以正方形方式下去搜尋 左下角(A點)為起點, 右上角(B點)為終點, 以下圖為例 

from PlaceIDFinder import Finder
import os

id_finder = Finder(key='Your API key', radius=800, disp=0.06, type='restaurant',
                   southwest_location=(25.011426, 121.457151), northeast_location = (25.221561, 121.489882))

id_finder.check()  # 檢查輸入資料

_id_count, _id_list = id_finder.run()  # 取得place id數 跟 list

id_finder.write_to_txt('test_placeid')  # 將所有place id寫至test_placeid.txt
