
Next generation for C++ library

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Next generation for C++ library, maybe 😰

Please kown, Lamanda Library It's changed by Cpcl, But Cpcl is not support !

Install & Use

How to use Lamanda ? So eazy !

You only download you need version for Lamanda, and copy Lamanda folder to your project folder.

and in your code, add this code #include "Lamanda/< library class >/< library all name >".

You can see This is a library list :

Library class Library all name Library include code
Console usingLibrary #include "Lamanda/Console/usingLibrary.hpp"
Data temperatrueProcessing #include "Lamanda/Data/temperatrueProcessing.hpp"
Data dataProcessing #include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.hpp"
GameEngine playerClass #include "Lamanda/Data/playerClass.hpp"

If you want include all Lamanda Library, only need add code #include "Lamanda/Lamanda.h" Just this ! 😋


This chapter can help you decided Include what files, please look over !

File name Role
usingLibrary.hpp This file can help you Include order Library
temperatureProcessing.hpp This file can help you change temperature
dataProcessing.hpp This file can help you load some file, and change file property
playerClass.hpp Support some game player Value and Function, But it is Demo too


If you don't want see code, but you want use Lamanda Library ? Please look this, this can help you !

Function list

Function name Class Using In file
loader configLoader configLoader(string filePath); configSystem.h
readingLineStr Nope readingLineStr(string filePath, int readLine); dataProccesing.h
deleteFile Nope deleteFile(const string filePath); dataProccesing.h
filePresence Nope filePresence(const string filePath); dataProccesing.h
changeFileName Nope changeFileName(string filePath,string changedFileName); dataProccesing.h
createFile Nope createFile(const string filePath); dataProccesing.h

Ps : Why don't have "playerClass.h" ? Because it is very hard, so please to look code !

Using function code

There have using all in function list function code, if you need that, please look over !


#include "Lamanda/Data/configSystem.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
  configLoader loaderTemp;
  cout << loaderTemp.loadoutConfig << endl;
  return 0;


#include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
	string playerName = readingLineStr("./playerData", 20);
  cout << "> New player name : " << playerName << endl;
  return 0;


#include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
	if(deleteFile("./Exam Answers.pdf") == true)
    cout << "> Oh my god, I survived." << endl;
    cout << "> Oh my god, I can't survived !" << endl;
  return 0;


#include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
	if(filePresence("./Exam papers.docs") == true)
    cout << "> Oh my god, I survived." << endl;
    cout << "> Oh my god, I can't survived !" << endl;
  return 0;


#include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
	if(changeFileName("./Exam papers.docs", "Exam papers of LittleSheep_") == true)
    cout << "> Wyyyyyyy ~" << endl;
    cout << "> WTF " << endl;
  return 0;


#include "Lamanda/Data/dataProcessing.h" // Load library
#include <iostream> // Load base library
using namespace std; // Using namespace

int main() {
	if(createFile("./Github README.md") == true)
    cout << "> What should I write?" << endl;
    cout << "> * You broke the computer with a hammer. *" << endl;
  return 0;



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Thank very much !