

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a useful web server on your minecraft server

You can manage your minecraft server by web api and use webhook

Feature & Roadmap

  1. Non-invasive
    • PanelCraft Web Server are fully asynchronous. It means didn't block main process(server game process), let your game experience better and better
    • PanelCraft didn't change any server setup step, just use your like command to startup the server!
    • PanelCraft also didn't need you install php or other web environment, it all integration in the one plugin file!
  2. Light, very light
    • PanelCraft has a lot of feature, we don't rebuild any code, we use dynamic depend, if you add corresponding plugin then the feature will enable
    • PanelCraft use module design, you can according to your needs to install the other parts!
  3. Core free, and pay for you love
    • PanelCraft-Core are opensource with GPL v3 license, please use our program strictly in accordance with the license!
    • In the feature, other module may need you pay. But PanelCraft-Core is always opensource and free.
    • If you didn't want pay or you have not any money to pay. You can view the wiki at GitHub and make the other module youself!
    • We accept your donates. Now we only support the Chinse Afdian platform.
  4. Security
    • You can set permission to per user, and easy to setup this part!
    • Every user do every things can be record down
    • LuckPerms like permission management
  5. Easy to use
  6. Cross version
    • Support 1.8.x - 1.18.x

Getting Start

  1. Download latest version plugin at GitHub
  2. Download dependency for PanelCraft(optional)
  3. Put all downloaded jar file in your plugin folder
  4. Launch server
  5. Open the server fire wall TCP port 25564
  6. Create a admin user and set it permission as {'*': true}
  7. Init datbase with new create admin user
  8. All are set!

Alert: Although ADMIN > PLAYER > ANYONE, but ROOT permission didn't has more access than ADMIN

Use it

You can download PanelCraft-CLI easy to use PanelCraft (Outdated)

We are makeing the official GUI manage tool


Name URL Method Description Parameters Permission or Role Category Module
Status Getter / GET The root of PanelCraft, when method not allowed, prove you request are 404 None Anyone Other Core
Command Executor /console PUT Execute command you want Command Root Console Core
Vault Economy Manager /console/vault/economy PUT Modfiy or query player vault money. When request with operation, you must request with amount too! Player, Operation, Amount Admin Console D-Vault
Placeholder Replacer /console/placeholder PUT Process the PlaceholderAPI text with your server Player, Message Admin Console D-PlaceholderAPI
Server Reload /danger-zone/reload PATCH Reload your server None Admin Dangerous Core
Server Shutdown /danger-zone/shutdown PATCH Shutdown server None Root Dangerous Core
Initiation Database /danger-zone/initialize/database PATCH Init PanelCraft's database struct None Admin Dangerous Core
Account Create /security/account-management/create PUT Create user Username, Password, Role, Permission, Mail, Description Root Security Core
Account Login /security/authorization PUT Login Username, Password Anyone Security Core

Status Code

  1. 200 Success
    • When your requets is processed and completed
  2. 400 Request Problem Client problem
    • When client send requets missing some parameter or some parameter is wrong
  3. 500 Request Problem Server problem
    • When the module isn't activate