
OSU 5522 AI project: navigate robots with natural language instructions

Primary LanguagePython


OSU 5522 AI project: navigate robots with natural language instructions

Duty Who Detail
Program front-end Shuang Li front-end presentation of three maps, interaction with back-end model
Process data set Qi Zhu processing data into pairs of nl instructions and action sequences, map environment matrices
Code model with TensorFlow Ziyu Yao code seq2seq model with environment representation


Original dataset

Instruction Action sequence
face the octagon carpet (3, 5, -1), (3, 5, 180)

Data preparation

  • Use 0 ~ 4 to represent action "no action", "move forward 1 step", "turn right", "turn left", "turn back" in action sequence. Intial directions are set to 90 degree.
  • (x, y, d) is the position (x,y) in maps with facial direction d, where d in {0, 1, 2, 3} corresponds to degree direction {0, 90, 180, 270} respectively.
  • Three maps are indexed with number, where 0 = "Grid", 1 = "Jelly", 2 = "L".
  • Processed example:
Instruction Action sequence Action positions Map
face the octagon carpet 3 (3, 5, 1), (3, 5, 2) map0

Map representation

  • see seq2seq/map.py
  • [x, y, d], d = 0, 90, 180, 270
  • x, y表示一个点,d表示方向,0表示右
  • [x, y, d] = object(6 * 自前后左右), floor + wall(11 * 前后左右)
  • Update: make a 3d matrix for each map of shape [sizeOfX, sizeOfY, 4]. Each element is a 74d vector(implemented with python list). If (x, y, d) doesn't exist in the map, output a zero vector with the same length.

How to use matrix

cd matrix
// in python 
import map // at the directory of matrix

Train and decode


rm ../data/data0/checkpoint/* # clean existing checkpoint records
python seq2seq_run.py --size --learning_rate --keep_prob --epoch --num_layer --batch_size --data_dir="../data/data0"


Interactive decode

python seq2seq_run.py --size --learning_rate --keep_prob --epoch --num_layer --data_dir="../data/data0" --inter_decode=True --batch_size=1 --inter_decode_sent="string_of_instruction" --inter_decode_position="[[1,7,2]]" --inter_decode_map="0"

Decode for testing

python seq2seq_run.py --size --learning_rate --keep_prob --epoch --num_layer --data_dir="../data/data0" --decode=True --decode_dev=True(or --decode_test=True) --batch_size=1