
Distributed application to manage data on clients and servers

Primary LanguageErlangOtherNOASSERTION


Spread is a distributed cache application running on nodes (like servers, devices, browsers) that streams the latest version of your data, manages synchronization and generate events when a change happens.

Data you need at a place is automatically stored locally

Spread uses a topic based publish–subscribe pattern, so you just tell Spread what you are locally interested in, giving:

  • Very fast lookups, since most of the time they don't involve network
  • Independency in case of (remote) trouble, since the data is here, persistent

This is highly desirable for micro services on server side, but also for offline first applications on client side

Instantly syncronized and consistent

Spread propagates any update in the system as soon as possible using CmRDT, giving:

  • Instant access to up to date data, even for big files, since propagation starts before the full file is uploaded, thanks to built in HTTP2 server
  • Eventual consistency, since any update triggers a conflict free sync immediately and results in a propagation report. Disconnected nodes automatically synchronize at reconnection

This is highly desirable for micro services and distributed applications in general, but especially the ones serving mutable contents like CDN, video applications, telephony systems

Scalable and highly available

Spread can shard and replicate data across multiple nodes, giving:

  • Infinite storage capacity, since data is stored in multiple servers
  • Infinite number of nodes, since propagation is managed by multiple servers at once
  • High availability, since data is replicated, loss of one node doesn't impact service

This is highly desirable to really stop worrying about data

Full history of events

Spread saves all updates, giving:

  • Centralized logs, since all updates can be archived in a logging system
  • Rollback and playback, since you can go any time in the past

This is highly desirable for snapshots, backups, disaster recovery, applying new service to a series of past events, etc.

Related work

Spread is inspired from other great services:

  • data synchronization on devices like Firebase. Firebase is JSON only, doesn't provide on premises instances nor cache, meaning you depend on a third party service (and it tends to be expensive when used on server side since you pay $1 per downloaded GB).
  • file synchronization across servers like unison, glusterFS, rsync. Those tools are server side only, do not sync extra metadata and you need extra tools like inotify to generate events from changes

Getting started

In an Erlang project

Set spread as one of your dependencies, launch your app, and start playing with spread:set(Path, Binary) and spread:get(Path)


Please refer to spread_app project instead.


Create an empty rebar3 release, replace the apps/spread directory with the git repo, copy the deps in rebar.config, enjoy


  • When a request comes in, spread can authenticate and authorizes it using JWT. jwt_key and jwt_iss are needed to decode the JWT. If not present, all requests are accepted.

HTTP API (comes with HTTP2 and TLS support)

GET raw data (/raw) like this: http://localhost:8080/raw/<your escaped path goes here>

POST changes to same path, with the right headers (etag to specify date of event, authorization for JWT auth) and payload

Subscribe to events using either websockets (/wss) or Server Side Events (/sse). The API on these interfaces is subject to evolution.

Basic Erlang API

The API is in spread module. Advanced API is in there. Basic stuff is described below.

spread:post(Path :: spread_topic:topic_name(), Value :: binary()) -> {existing | new, spread_event:event(), {too_late, spread_event:event()} | {autotree_app:iteration(), [{[any()], integer()}], spread_event:event() | error}, spread_event:event() | error} | {error, any()}.

Tries to set new Value at Path. Returns the event state (if it was seen before or not), the related event object, its propagation report (too_late and current event object or {iteration, subscriber counts at each path, the previous event object})

spread:get(Path :: spread_topic:topic_name()) -> error | {Iteration :: integer(), From :: binary(), Value :: binary()}.

Returns the latest (locally speaking) Value, that was set at Spread Iteration by From.

spread:subscribe(Path :: spread_topic:topic_name(), Pid :: pid()) -> [{spread_topic:topic_name(), integer(), spread_event:event()}].

Subscribes your Pid to Path and any descendant. Returns a list of latest events for each path, to be updated by messages sent to Pid via messages of the form

{update, Path :: spread_topic:topic_name(), Iteration :: integer(), Event :: spread_event:event()}