
LarkGPT is a bot application running OpenAI's text completion engine and image generation engine for Lark (Feishu).

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LarkGPT 🤖️

LarkGPT is a bot application running OpenAI's text completion engine and image creation engine for Lark (Feishu).

✅ Private and Group Chat Supported

✅ Private Session Context for Each User

✅ Image Creation Supported

✅ Bot Initialization Command Supported

Quick Start

  1. Clone the project and install dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/yiheyang/larkgpt.git
yarn # or `npm install`
  1. Configure your LarkGPT.
cp .env.example .env

# Edit .env
  1. Start your LarkGPT and check your robot is running on the port (default: 3000).
yarn start # or `npm start`
  1. Configure "Request URL" with http(s)://domain:port and add "im.message.receive_v1" event in "Event Subscription" - "Lark Developer App Panel".
  2. Go to "Permissions & Scopes" and add all permissions that "im.message.receive_v1" requires and "Read and upload images or other files" permission.

Robot Command

/reset # Reset user's session context
/img <prompt> # Generate an image with the given prompt


This project is under the protection of MIT license.