
My own configue files for UNIX/Linux tools.

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Table of Contents


My own configure files for UNIX/Linux tools.

Some Known Bugs


  • When the cursor is at a indent line in insert mode, the cursor is hidden by the indent line.
  • <C-N> can not back to normal when in replacing mode (after pressing r). This seems impossible to fix, because when press r<C-N>, your key sequence is r<C-N> (pressing r will still waiting your input, you can see that through the status line). But R is OK, because pressing R will let you enter REPLACE mode, you can use <C-N> to go back to normal mode.
  • When there are more than 3 notifications, the cursor will be flickering. This may have something to do with the novim-notify.
  • In cmd search, when you remove the last character, the removed character is still visible.
  • Quit with qa may be slow.


  • auto-pairs may not be loaded when first use nvim to open a file. When opening another file, auto-pairs will be loaded.
  • When you use :q to quit the terminal, the terminal cannot be opened again. This is because we will record the terminal's status when you use Q, but when you use :q, we will not record the terminal's status. So next time to open the terminal will think the terminal is visible, and hide it, which will trigger a error. The best way to quit the terminal is to use Q.
  • When the first time open terminal, it may be wrong highlight. I've disabled the nvim-treesitter for fish and bash to solve this.
  • When there is a .root directory, the nvim-tree will enter the root directory rather than the parent directory of .root.
  • <CR> can not auto indent.
  • telescope can not find files and contents if there is a .root directory.
  • Python gd does not work.
  • No hover highlight.
  • When quit a help file which is editable, this may cause problem.

Quick Start

  1. Use the command git clone https://github.com/Kaiser-Yang/dotfiles.git to clone this repository.
  2. Use the command cd dotfiles to enter the directory. Run ./dot_files.py init to install tmux , fish, vim and nvim.
  3. Use the command ./dot_files.py to only copy the configuration files to your $HOME directory.
  4. You need to install nodejs and yarn first (If you use ./dot_files.py init this has been done).
  5. Run vim or nvim to install plugins.

NOTE: Before copying the configuration files to your $HOME directory, the original files will be backed up to the backup directory in this repository. You can use ./dot_files.py recover to recover the original files.

More Information

In dot_files.py, there are two variables:

ignore_file = set(["./.git", "./LICENSE", "./README.md",
                   "./dot_files.py", "./.gitignore", "./replace_md_image.py",
                   "./installer", "./vscode-setting", "./README.assets", "./markdownBackup"])
copy_file = set(["./.tmux.conf", "./proxy.sh", "./proxy.fish", "./.config/nvim"])

The files or directories in ignore_file will be ignored during installation, and the files or directories in copy_file will be copied to your $HOME directory. The contents of files which are not in those two sets will be appended to the files in your $HOME directory.

If you only want to install the configurations of nvim, you just need to add ./.config/nvim to copy_file, and add all other directory to ignore_file. Then run ./dot_files.py.

If you only want to install the configurations of tmux, you just need to add ./.tmux.conf to copy_file, and add all other directory to ignore_file. Then run ./dot_files.py.

If you only want to install the configurations of fish, you just need to add ./proxy.fish to copy_file, and add all other directory, except for .config/fish, to ignore_file. Then run ./dot_files.py.

Besides, there are other types parameters you can pass to dot_files.py:

  • update: only update the configurations depending on the ignore_file and copy_file. This will backup the original files to backup directory first.
  • recover: recover all files from backup directory to $HOME directory.
  • init: install all plugins for nvim, tmux and install fish and set fish be your default shell.

Indeed, if you run ./dot_files.py with no parameters, it is same with ./dot_files.py recover && ./dot_files.py update. So I strongly recommend you to use ./dot_files.py to update the configurations.


This part will only show the screenshots of nvim.



Completion of nvim-cmp

Inlay Hints from Copilot

Copilot Chat

Nvim Tree

Markdown Preview

Auto Download and Replace Images in Markdown

There is a file called replace_md_image.py, this file receive a directory as a parameter, and it will download all the images in the markdown files (recursively) in the directory and replace the image links with the local links. This will backup your markdown files first:


Note that my leader key is Space.

Note that in the Mode column, N means normal mode, I means insert mode, V means visual mode, T means terminal mode, X means select mode, and N I means normal mode and insert mode.

Basic Shortcuts

Shortcut Mode Description
<C-T> N I T Toggle a terminal
Q N Quit a window, quit a tab or unload a buffer, not save
S N Similar with Q, but this will execute 'write' first
<C-N> T I V X N Back to normal mode by <C-\><C-N>
<LEADER>r N Run the current file depends on its filetype, this will onpen a terminal for some filetypes
<LEADER>ay N Copy all lines of current buffer to plus register

NOTE: The Q's behavior depending on the status. If current buffer is a terminal, nvimtree, aerial, or help, this will use bd! to unload the buffer. If current tab has more than one window whose buffer is a visible one, Q will use :quit! to close window, but not unload the buffer. If there are more than one tab and only one window in current tab, this will close the whole tab and unload the empty noname buffers and other hidden buffers. If there only one tab, this will unload current buffer.

NOTE: There will only be one terminal globally, this is for some simply commands, such as run a single python file or check the cpu usage by top or htop. If you want something complex, you should depend on the tmux rather than nvim terminal. Besides, the terminal will auto open when entering a new tab if there has been one open terminal or auto close when entering a new tab if the one has been closed. There only one terminal buffer, so each terminal has same contents.


Shortcut Mode Description
<LEADER>h N Split window horizontally, and move cursor to the left window
<LEADER>l N Split window horizontally, and move cursor to the right window
<LEADER>t N Create a new tab
<C-H> N T Move the cursor to the left window, this can jump over tmux
<C-J> N T Move the cursor to the bottom window, this can jump over tmux
<C-K> N T Move the cursor to the top window, this can jump over tmux
<C-L> N T Move the cursor to the right window, this can jump over tmux
<LEADER>H N Close the current window, and reopen it at left
<LEADER>J N Close the current window, and reopen it at bottom
<LEADER>K N Close the current window, and reopen it at top
<LEADER>L N Close the current window, and reopen it at right
<LEADER>n N Go to next tab
<LEADER>b N Go to previous tab
<LEADER>1 N Go to the first tab
<LEADER>2 N Go to the second tab
... ... ...
<LEADER>8 N Go to the eighth tab
<LEADER>9 N Go to the ninth tab
Up N Resize +5 for the current window
Down N Resize -5 for the current window
Left N Resize -5 vertically for current window
Right N Resize +5 vertically for current window

NOTE: We can not bind <C-H> in insert mode, so in the insert mode, when you press <C-H>, it will trigger backspace.

Copy and Paste

Shortcut Mode Description
Y N Copy till end of line to unnamed register
<LEADER>y N V Copy to system clipboard, this is like y, for example, you can use <leader>yw to copy a word
<LEADER>ya N Copy all contents in the current buffer to system clipboard
<LEADER>Y N Copy till end of line to system clipboard
<LEADER>p N Paste from system clipboard
<LEADER>P N Paste from system clipboard before cursor

NOTE: if you want to copy around a bracket, you can use <LEADER>ya, too. But you need to wait some time when you press <LEADER>y (make sure that there is "+y at the right bottom), then you can press a.

Cursor Movement

Shortcut Mode Description
<C-J> When there is a selection list and j will input letter j, <C-J> will move the cursor to the next selection
<C-K> When there is a selection list and k will input letter k, <C-K> will move the cursor to the previous selection
j When there is a selection list and you can not input with j, j will move the cursor to the next selection
k When there is a selection list and you can not input with k, k will move the cursor to the previous selection
<C-J> I When there is no selection list, <C-J> will move the cursor to the next line
<C-K> I When there is no selection list, <C-K> will move the cursor to the previous line
J V Move the selected lines down
K V Move the selected lines up

Note that when cmp suggestion list is not shown but copilot is shown, it is possible to use <C-J> and <C-K> to move the cursor to the next or previous selection of copilot.

For example when you use gr to go to references of a function or a variable, there may be a selection list (if there is not only one reference), and you can use j and k to move the cursor to the next or previous selection. But when you use <C-P> to find files, in this case j and k will input letter j and letter k, so you can use <C-J> and <C-K> to move the cursor to the next or previous selection.

Markdown Helper

These settings only work in a markdown file.

Some of the settings below will insert <++> as a placeholder symbol, and you can use ,f to move the cursor out of the current block and remove the placeholder symbol.

Shortcut Mode Description
,f I Move the cursor out of the current block and remove next placeholder symbol
,t I Insert command line block and leave the cursor where you can input the command
,b I Insert bold line block and leave the cursor where you can input the bold content
,m I Insert math line block and leave the cursor where you can input the math
,M I Insert math block and leave the cursor where you can input the math
,c I Insert code block, and leave the cursor where you should input the code language
,n I Insert a new line symbol of html

Useful Plugins' Shortcuts

This part has a lot of shortcuts, and I'll only list some common ones. All the shortcuts started with <LEADER>, [ or ] can be seen in vimwhichkey plugin, which means you just need press <LEADER>, [ or ] and wait for a while, there will be pop up window to show all the shortcuts started with the key you press.


Shortcut Mode Description
[count]<LEADER>c<LEADER> N Toggle comments (line style)
[count]<LEADER>cs N Toggle comments (block style)
<LEADER>c[count][motion] N Toggle comments (line style) with motion
<LEADER>s[count][motion] N Toggle comments (block style) with motion
<LEADER>c<LEADER> V Toggle comments (line style) of the selected line
<LEADER>cs V Toggle comments (block style) of the selected line


Shortcut Mode Description
ys<motion><bracket> N Surround something
yss<bracket> N Surround the whole line with the character you input, this one will put the surrounding in the current line
ySS<bracket> N Surround the whole line with the character you input, this one will put the surrounding in new lines
ds<bracket> N Delete the surrounding you input
cs<old><new> N Change the surround with a new one
S<bracket> V Surround the selected characters
<C-B> I Back insert a surrounding, when a surrounding does not match, you press the close surrounding, the cursor may jump to the next close surrounding rather than inserting a new close surrounding. In this case, you can use <C-B> to back insert a close surrounding

Some examples of surrounding:

  • ysf;{: surround the character from the cursor to next ; with {}.
  • yst;{: surround the character from the cursor till next ; with {}, this will leave the ; out of the surrounding.
  • ds(: delete the () surrounding current part.
  • cs([: change the () with [] for current surrounded part.

NOTE: the difference between ysw[ ans ysw] is that the former will add white space at left and right, the latter will not.

Code Related

Shortcut Mode Description
gd N Go to definition
gr N Go to references
<LEADER>R N Rename the current symbol
<LEADER>r N Run the single file depending on its filetype
]d N Go to next diagnostic
[d N Go to previous diagnostic
<LEADER>d N Show document symbols, this can also be used to show variables' types

Git Related

Shortcut Mode Description
]g N Go to next git hunk
[g N Go to previous git hunk
]c N Go to next git conflict
[c N Go to previous git conflict
gcu N Undo (reset) current git hunk
gcd N Show difference of current git hunk
gcc N When there is a conflict, this will keep current change
gci N When there is a conflict, this will keep incoming change
gcb N When there is a conflict, this will keep both changes
gcn N When there is a conflict, this will keep none change

Automatic Completion

Shortcut Mode Description
C-F I Select one line when copilot suggestions are shown
<ESC>f I Select one word when copilot suggestions are shown. In 7-bit terminal press <M-F> will trigger <ESC>f
<ENTER> I Select current suggestion when one cmp suggestion is selected
<ENTER> I Select first suggestion when cmp is not shown and copilot is shown
<C-C> I Close all completion when no selection in cmp; close cmp completion when there is a selection of cmp; close copilot completion when cmp invisible and copilit visible; back to normal


Shortcut Mode Description
<C-W> N I Toggle code outline
<C-E> N I Toggle explorer
<C-P> N I Find files in the current directory or a git root directory
<C-F> N I Find contents in the current directory or a git root directory
ys{motion}f{name} N Surround the part with a function call
dsf N Delete a function call, only parameters will be left
csf{name} N Change a function call with a new one
<CR> N In file explorer, this will enter a directory or open a file
<BS> N In file explorer, this will go to the .. directory. You can use ? to see more mappings in file explorer.
gy N List all the yanked contents
<LEADER>ay N Yank all contents
<ESC> I When use telescope to search, <ESC> will let you back to normal mode
<ESC> N When use telescope to search and you are in normal mode, <ESC> will quit telescope
<C-C> I When use telescope to search and you are in insert mode, <C-C> will quit telescope
gpt N Toggle copilot-chat window
gpt V Input :CopilotChat, you can use <TAB> to trigger menu list of all commands
gb N Buffer pick
<LEADER>n N Go to the right buffer shown in bufline
<LEADER>b N Go to the left buffer shown in bufline
<C-D> I Scroll down the completion preview window, if there is one
<C-U> I Scroll up the completion preview window, if there is one
gz N Toggle Zen Mode
<C-S> I Search the selected bib in cmp selection


Shortcut Mode Description
<LEADER>D N Toggle the dap-ui.
<c-b> N Toggle the break point at current line.
<F4> N Terminate current process.
<F5> N Continue.
<F6> N Restart current process.
<F9> N Back.
<F10> N Next (step over).
<F11> N Step in.
<F12> N Finish (step out).


If you have any suggestion or find any bug, please feel free to open an issue or pull request.