
Relevant papers in Continual Learning

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Continual Learning Literature

This repository is maintained by Massimo Caccia and Timothée Lesort don't hesitate to send us an email to collaborate or fix some entries ({massimo.p.caccia , t.lesort} at gmail.com). The automation script of this repo is adapted from Automatic_Awesome_Bibliography.

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Empirical Study



New Settings or Metrics

Regularization Methods

Distillation Methods

  • Dark Experience for General Continual Learning: a Strong, Simple Baseline , (2020) by Buzzega, Pietro, Boschini, Matteo, Porrello, Angelo, Abati, Davide and Calderara, Simone [bib]
  • Online Continual Learning under Extreme Memory Constraints , (2020) by Fini, Enrico, Lathuilière, Stèphane, Sangineto, Enver, Nabi, Moin and Ricci, Elisa [bib] Introduces Memory-Constrained Online Continual Learning, a setting where no information can be transferred between tasks, and proposes a distillation-based solution (Batch-level Distillation)
  • PODNet: Pooled Outputs Distillation for Small-Tasks Incremental Learning , (2020) by Douillard, Arthur, Cord, Matthieu, Ollion, Charles, Robert, Thomas and Valle, Eduardo [bib] Novel knowledge distillation that trades efficiently rigidity and plasticity to learn large amount of small tasks
  • Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting With Unlabeled Data in the Wild , (2019) by Lee, Kibok, Lee, Kimin, Shin, Jinwoo and Lee, Honglak [bib] Introducing global distillation loss and balanced finetuning; leveraging unlabeled data in the open world setting (Single-head setting)
  • Large scale incremental learning , (2019) by Wu, Yue, Chen, Yinpeng, Wang, Lijuan, Ye, Yuancheng, Liu, Zicheng, Guo, Yandong and Fu, Yun [bib] Introducing bias parameters to the last fully connected layer to resolve the data imbalance issue (Single-head setting)
  • Continual Reinforcement Learning deployed in Real-life using PolicyDistillation and Sim2Real Transfer, (2019) by *Kalifou, René Traoré, Caselles-Dupré, Hugo, Lesort, Timothée, Sun, Te, Diaz-Rodriguez, Natalia and Filliat, David * [bib]
  • Lifelong learning via progressive distillation and retrospection , (2018) by Hou, Saihui, Pan, Xinyu, Change Loy, Chen, Wang, Zilei and Lin, Dahua [bib] Introducing an expert of the current task in the knowledge distillation method (Multi-head setting)
  • End-to-end incremental learning , (2018) by Castro, Francisco M, Marin-Jimenez, Manuel J, Guil, Nicolas, Schmid, Cordelia and Alahari, Karteek [bib] Finetuning the last fully connected layer with a balanced dataset to resolve the data imbalance issue (Single-head setting)
  • Learning without forgetting , (2017) by Li, Zhizhong and Hoiem, Derek [bib] Functional regularization through distillation (keeping the output of the updated network on the new data close to the output of the old network on the new data)
  • icarl: Incremental classifier and representation learning , (2017) by Rebuffi, Sylvestre-Alvise, Kolesnikov, Alexander, Sperl, Georg and Lampert, Christoph H [bib] Binary cross-entropy loss for representation learning & exemplar memory (or coreset) for replay (Single-head setting)

Rehearsal Methods

Generative Replay Methods

Dynamic Architectures or Routing Methods

  • ORACLE: Order Robust Adaptive Continual Learning , (2019) by Jaehong Yoon and Saehoon Kim and Eunho Yang and Sung Ju Hwang [bib]
  • Random Path Selection for Incremental Learning , (2019) by Jathushan Rajasegaran and Munawar Hayat and Salman H. Khan and Fahad Shahbaz Khan and Ling Shao [bib] Proposes a random path selection algorithm, called RPSnet, that progressively chooses optimal paths for the new tasks while encouraging parameter sharing and reuse
  • Learn to Grow: {A} Continual Structure Learning Framework for Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting , (2019) by Xilai Li and Yingbo Zhou and Tianfu Wu and Richard Socher and Caiming Xiong [bib]
  • Incremental Learning through Deep Adaptation , (2018) by Amir Rosenfeld and John K. Tsotsos [bib]
  • Packnet: Adding multiple tasks to a single network by iterative pruning, (2018) by Mallya, Arun and Lazebnik, Svetlana [bib]
  • Piggyback: Adapting a single network to multiple tasks by learning to mask weights, (2018) by Mallya, Arun, Davis, Dillon and Lazebnik, Svetlana [bib]
  • Continual Learning in Practice , (2018) by Diethe, Tom, Borchert, Tom, Thereska, Eno, Pigem, Borja de Balle and Lawrence, Neil [bib] Proposes a reference architecture for a continual learning system
  • Growing a brain: Fine-tuning by increasing model capacity, (2017) by Wang, Yu-Xiong, Ramanan, Deva and Hebert, Martial [bib]
  • Lifelong learning with dynamically expandable networks, (2017) by Yoon, Jaehong, Yang, Eunho, Lee, Jeongtae and Hwang, Sung Ju [bib]
  • Progressive Neural Networks , (2016) by {Rusu}, A.~A., {Rabinowitz}, N.~C., {Desjardins}, G. and {Soyer}, H., {Kirkpatrick}, J., {Kavukcuoglu}, K. and {Pascanu}, R. and {Hadsell}, R. [bib] Each task have a specific model connected to the previous ones

Hybrid Methods

  • Continual learning with hypernetworks , (2020) by Johannes von Oswald, Christian Henning, João Sacramento and Benjamin F. Grewe [bib] Learning task-conditioned hypernetworks for continual learning as well as task embeddings; hypernetwors offers good model compression.
  • Compacting, Picking and Growing for Unforgetting Continual Learning , (2019) by Hung, Ching-Yi, Tu, Cheng-Hao, Wu, Cheng-En, Chen, Chien-Hung, Chan, Yi-Ming and Chen, Chu-Song [bib] Approach leverages the principles of deep model compression, critical weights selection, and progressive networks expansion. All enforced in an iterative manner

Continual Few-Shot Learning

Meta-Continual Learning

Lifelong Reinforcement Learning

Continual Generative Modeling



