Course Project for 2022 ZJU Compiler Construction Principle and Practice

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

RMMC - Rust Minus Minus Compiler

Unit Test badge Ubuntu badge macOS badge RISC_V

Introduction to RMM/R-- (Rust Minus Minus)

RMM is an intuitive, safe, functional programming language.

RMM is a rust-like language but has much fewer restrictions.

  • Reference validator ensure references are always valid.
  • No borrow concept. No check for data race. (Easy linked list)
  • Move of ownership must be explicit.
  • Allow implicit type cast. (Can be disabled by compiler option)
  • Allow raw pointer operation but it is not necessary and not safe.
  • Functional programming: All function is treated as a variable.
  • No more implicit return
  • Auto memory management without Garbage collection.

Full documentation is available here.

RMMC command line options

Short form Long from Require argument Description
-o --output Yes Specific output file name
--genAST optional Output AST in xml format.
Default filename is AST.xml.
--stdpath Yes Standard library path (Enable stdlib)
-I --import Yes Specify modules search path

Environment and Support Packages

  • Architecture: RMMC standard library only supports RISC-V. However, it should compile on other architecture (Darwin or Linux). We recommend using a docker. See Docker setup.
  • Flex/Bison: Recommended Bison > 3.8 and flex > 2.6. If you are using a old version of bison, you may need to remove -Wcex flex for debug build.
  • Google Test: Google test is used for unit test only. Install only if you need to run tests. See Google Test installation.

Google Test Framework Installation

1. Grab source code

apt install libgtest-dev -y

2. Install cmake

apt-get install cmake

3. Compile the library

cd /usr/src/gtest
cmake CMakeLists.txt

Docker Environment installation

1. Clone this Github Repository

Clone this Repo into your local filesystem :

git clone https://github.com/TerenceNg03/RMMC.git

2. Pull Ubuntu 20.04 (RISC-V) version from Official Image

Run this line in terminal :

docker pull riscv64/ubuntu:20.04

3. Create a Container from the Image and Mount Local Files

Execute this command in your cloned directory!
Create a container named Yacc and mount current directory as /home/RMMC:

docker create -it -v `pwd`:/home/RMMC --name Yacc -w /home riscv64/ubuntu:20.04

4. Start and Enter the Container

It is required to start the container before executing it :

docker start Yacc
docker exec -it Yacc /bin/bash

5. Install Lex&Yacc

Note: Please execute these commands inside docker.

apt update
apt-get install bison flex make g++ vim clang llvm

6. Test Your Installation

Note: Please execute these commands inside docker.

yacc --version
lex --version

7. Stop the Container

docker stop Yacc