
A Data Analysis Board in Vue.

Primary LanguageVue

Welcome to Vue-Data-Board 👋

Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

A Data Analysis Board. A magical DIY databoard tool built with Vue.js. An out-of-box data solution for enterprise data analysis. Support self defined databoard and data report.

✨ Demo

  • Generate graphic by drag and grop.

  • Add graphic to databoard.


  • Custom databoard layout by drag and drop.

drag drop


npm install


👤 DongSuo <xuxiaofei1.0@outlook.com>

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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📝 License

Copyright © 2019 DongSuo <xuxiaofei1.0@outlook.com>.
This project is MIT licensed.

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