
Differences in von-Mises stress distribution between .odb and .vtu files

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Firstly, I would like to thank you for making this code available for download on Github. It is extremely useful for visualizing Abaqus output files in Paraview. I modified the odb2vtk code to read .odb files involving triangular and quadrilateral shell elements. The magnitude and distribution of displacements for the odb and vtu files were identical. However, the magnitude of von-Mises stress was lower (0.25MPa in vtu file, 0.27MPa in odb file) and its distribution was significantly different for the output vtu files (see enclosed picture). I am not sure whether my revised code for shell elements is incorrectly outputting values of von-Mises stress. I did not observe any differences in the stress distribution for solid elements.



Firstly, I would like to thank you for making this code available for download on Github. It is extremely useful for visualizing Abaqus output files in Paraview. I modified the odb2vtk code to read .odb files involving triangular and quadrilateral shell elements. The magnitude and distribution of displacements for the odb and vtu files were identical. However, the magnitude of von-Mises stress was lower (0.25MPa in vtu file, 0.27MPa in odb file) and its distribution was significantly different for the output vtu files (see enclosed picture). I am not sure whether my revised code for shell elements is incorrectly outputting values of von-Mises stress. I did not observe any differences in the stress distribution for solid elements.


Could you share your code with me? I need convert my odb files to vtk, too. If so, thanks a lot.

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