
慕课网-React 16.4 开发简书项目 从零基础入门到实战(学习笔记)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React16.4 开发简书项目 从零基础入门到实战




npm i nvm
nvm ls
nvm install 10.0.0
nvm use 10.0.0
npm i create-react-app -g
create-react-app projectName
npm run eject
npm run start


cnpm install axios -S
cnpm i create-react-app -g
cnpm install react-transition-group -S
cnpm install styled-components -S
cnpm install antd -S
cnpm install redux -S
cnpm install redux-thunk -S
cnpm install redux-saga -S
cnpm install react-redux -S
cnpm install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy -D

basic 分支

第 3 章 React 基础精讲 & 第 4 章 React 高级内容

  • import { createGlobalStyle } from 'styled-components'
  • The injectGlobal API was removed and replaced by createGlobalStyle in styled-components v4.
  • 官网

2-3 工程目录文件简介

  • yarn.lock: project require package, version num
  • PWA: registerServiceWorker.js, in https server, if phone broken internet, cache before interface
  • mainifest.json: website use as App, store in computer as shortcut, define the shortcut content

3-7 围绕 React 衍生出的思考

  • 声明式开发
  • 可以和其它框架并存
  • 组件化
  • 单向数据流
  • 视图层框架
  • 函数式编程

4-1 React developer tools 安装及使用

  • chrome -> react

4-2 PropTypes 与 DefaultProps 的应用

4-3 props,state 与 render 函数的关系

4-4 React 中的虚拟 DOM

  • principle:
  1. state data
  2. JSX template
  3. data + template create virtual-DOM (virtual-DOM is JS object,use it desc DOM) ['div',{id:'abc'},['span',{},'hello world']]
  4. virtual-DOM create real DOM <div id='abc'><span>hello </span></div>
  5. state change
  6. new data + template create new virtual-DOM ['div', {id: 'abc'}, ['span', {}, 'bye']] (performance optimize)
  7. compare origin virtual-DOM and new virtual-DOM, find difference, diff algorithm
  8. operate DOM, change content
  • advantage:
  1. performance optimize (JS object)
  2. cross-platform React Native

redux 分支






project-header 分支



  • localhost:80
  • /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
  • npm run build
  • build inside file copy to XAMPP htdocs file
  • chrome open localhost:80