This repository contains the author's implementation in PyTorch for the paper "Adaptive Label-aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval".

Primary LanguagePython

Adaptive Label-aware Graph Convolutional Networks

This repository contains the author's implementation in PyTorch for the paper "Adaptive Label-aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval".


  • Python (>=3.7)

  • PyTorch (>=1.2.0)

  • Scipy (>=1.3.2)


You can download the features of the datasets from:

  • MIRFlickr,
  • NUS-WIDE(top-21 concepts)


Here we provide the implementation of ALGCN, along with datasets. The repository is organised as follows:

  • data/ contains the necessary dataset files for NUS-WIDE and MIRFlickr;
  • models.py contains the implementation of the ALGCN;

Finally, main.py puts all of the above together and can be used to execute a full training run on MIRFlcikr or NUS-WIDE.


  • Place the datasets in data/
  • Change the dataset in main.py to mirflickr or NUS-WIDE-TC21.
  • Train a model:
python main.py
  • Modify the parameter EVAL = True in main.py for evaluation:
python main.py


If you find our work or the code useful, please consider cite our paper using:

  title={Adaptive Label-aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-Modal Retrieval},
  author={Qian, Shengsheng and Xue, Dizhan and Fang, Quan and Xu, Changsheng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},