Terraform AWS Fargate

Terraform module pattern to build a standard Fargate.

This module creates a Fargate service with an ALB, AutoScaling, CodeDeploy configuration and a DNS record in front.

Note: This module has many preset standards to make creating and using Fargate easy. If you require a more customized solution you may need to use this code more as a pattern or guideline in how to build the resources you need.


module "my_app" {
  source = "bitbucket.org/liveviewtech/terraform-aws-fargate.git?ref=v1.5"

  name           = "example-api"
  container_port = 8000

  primary_container_definition = {
    name  = "example"
    image = "crccheck/hello-world"
    ports = [8000]

    environment_variables = {
      LOG = "debug"

    secrets = {
      SUPER_SECRET = aws_ssm_parameter.super_secret.name

  codedeploy_config = {
    codedeploy_test_listener_port    = 8443
    codedeploy_service_role_arn      = module.acs.powerbuilder_role.arn
    codedeploy_termination_wait_time = 0

  deployment_config_filename = "${path.module}/../deployment-config.json"

  hosted_zone                   = module.acs.route53_zone
  https_certificate_arn         = module.acs.certificate.arn
  public_subnet_ids             = module.acs.public_subnet_ids
  private_subnet_ids            = module.acs.private_subnet_ids
  vpc_id                        = module.acs.vpc.id
  role_permissions_boundary_arn = module.acs.role_permissions_boundary.arn

Created Resources

  • ECS Cluster (if not provided)
  • ECS Service
    • with security group
  • ECS Task Definition
    • with IAM role
  • CloudWatch Log Group
  • ALB
    • with security group
  • 2 Target Groups (for blue-green deployment)
  • CodeDeploy App
    • with IAM role
  • CodeDeploy Group
  • DNS A-Record
  • AutoScaling Target
  • AutoScaling Policies (one for stepping up and one for stepping down)
  • CloudWatch Metric Alarms (one for stepping up and one for stepping down)


  • Terraform version 1.0.0 or greater


Name Type Description Default
name string Application name to name your Fargate API and other resources (Must be <= 24 alphanumeric characters)
ecs_cluster_name string Existing ECS Cluster name to host the fargate server. Defaults to creating its own cluster. <app_name>
primary_container_definition object The primary container definition for your application. This one will be the only container that receives traffic from the ALB, so make sure the ports field contains the same port as the image_port
extra_container_definitions list(object) A list of extra container definitions (side car containers) []
container_port number The port the primary docker container is listening on
health_check_path string Health check path for the image "/"
health_check_matcher string Expected status code for health check. See docs for syntax 200
health_check_interval number Amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target 30
health_check_timeout number Amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check 5
health_check_healthy_threshold number Number of consecutive health checks required before considering target as healthy 3
health_check_unhealthy_threshold number Number of consecutive failed health checks required before considering target as unhealthy 3
health_check_grace_period number Health check grace period in seconds 0
https_listener_rules object Listener rules and conditions.
task_policies list(string) List of IAM Policy ARNs to attach to the task execution IAM Policy []
task_cpu number CPU for the task definition 256
task_memory number Memory for the task definition 512
security_groups list(string) List of extra security group IDs to attach to the fargate task []
vpc_id string VPC ID to deploy the ECS fargate service and ALB
public_subnet_ids list(string) List of subnet IDs for the ALB
alb_internal_flag bool Marks an ALB as Internal (Inaccessible to public internet) false
private_subnet_ids list(string) List of subnet IDs for the fargate service
role_permissions_boundary_arn string ARN of the IAM Role permissions boundary to place on each IAM role created
target_group_deregistration_delay number Deregistration delay in seconds for ALB target groups 60
target_group_sticky_sessions boolean Enables sticky sessions on the ALB target groups false
site_domain string The URL for the site. Concatenates app_name with hosted_zone_name.
hosted_zone object Hosted Zone object to redirect to ALB. (Can pass in the aws_hosted_zone object). A and AAAA records created in this hosted zone
https_certificate_arn string ARN of the HTTPS certificate of the hosted zone/domain
autoscaling_config object Configuration for default autoscaling policies and alarms. Set to null if you want to set up your own autoscaling policies and alarms.
codedeploy_config object Configuration for using Codedeploy to deploy applications. Set to null if you want to use your own deployment strategy.
log_retention_in_days number CloudWatch log group retention in days 120
tags map(string) A map of AWS Tags to attach to each resource created {}
lb_logging_enabled bool Option to enable logging of load balancer requests. false
lb_logging_bucket_name string Required if lb_logging_enabled is true. A bucket to store the logs in with an a load balancer access policy attached.
fargate_platform_version string Version of the Fargate platform to run. 1.4.0
arm bool Whether to run on arm64 hardware or not false


Object with following attributes to define the docker container(s) your fargate needs to run.

  • name - (Required) container name (referenced in CloudWatch logs, and possibly by other containers)
  • image - (Required) the ecr_image_url with the tag like: <acct_num>.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/myapp:dev or the image URL from dockerHub or some other docker registry
  • ports - (Required) a list of ports this container is listening on
  • environment_variables - (Required) a map of environment variables to pass to the docker container
  • secrets - (Required) a map of secrets from the parameter store to be assigned to env variables
  • efs_volume_mounts - (Required) a list of efs_volume_mount objects to be mounted into the container.

Before running this configuration make sure that your ECR repo exists and an image has been pushed to the repo.



    efs_volume_mounts = [
        name = "persistent_data"
        file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.my_efs.id
        root_directory = "/"
        container_path = "/usr/app/data"
  • name - A logical name used to describe what the mount is for.
  • file_system_id - ID of the EFS to mount.
  • root_directory - Source path inside the EFS.
  • container_path - Target path inside the container.

See the following docs for more details:


This module will create codedeploy actions used to deploy the code to the Farage instances. Most will want to use this method to deploy code to thier applications.

  • codedeploy_lifecycle_hooks - (Required) This variable is used when generating the appspec.json file. This will define what Lambda Functions to invoke at specific lifecycle hooks. Set this variable to null if you don't want to invoke any lambda functions. Set each hook to null if you don't need a specific lifecycle hook function.

    • before_install - lambda function name to run before new task set is created
    • after_install - lambda function name to run after new task set is created before test traffic points to new task set
    • after_allow_test_traffic - lambda function name to run after test traffic points to new task set
    • before_allow_traffic - lambda function name to run before public traffic points to new task set
    • after_allow_traffic - lambda function name to run after public traffic points to new task set
  • codedeploy_service_role_arn - (Required) ARN of the IAM Role for the CodeDeploy to use to initiate new deployments. (usually the PowerBuilder Role)

  • codedeploy_termination_wait_time - (Required) The number of minutes to wait after a successful blue/green deployment before terminating instances from the original environment.

  • codedeploy_test_listener_port - (Required) The port for a codedeploy test listener. If provided CodeDeploy will use this port for test traffic on the new replacement set during the blue-green deployment process before shifting production traffic to the replacement set.


You can pass in either the object from the AWS terraform provider for an AWS Hosted Zone, or just an object with the following attributes:

  • name - (Required) Name of the hosted zone
  • id - (Required) ID of the hosted zone


You can use this object to create rules within the HTTPS listener to forward only certain traffic to your application. This is a list of maps describing the Listener Rules for this ALB. Priority is set by index of each rule within the map. See conditional blocks for more details on what conditions can be added. All other traffic not matching rules will be sent a 403 status code.

  • conditions - (Required) List of conditions. (See examples folder to view full config)

Note: If you change/add/delete this block after initial creation make sure the active target group on your alb listener is forwarding to blue. If you do not you may lose access to your application and cause traffic to be dropped!


This module will create basic default autoscaling policies and alarms and you can define some variables of these default autoscaling policies.

  • min_capacity - (Required) Minimum task count for autoscaling (this will also be used to define the initial desired count of the ECS Fargate Service)
  • max_capacity - (Required) Maximum task count for autoscaling

Note: If you want to define your own autoscaling policies/alarms then you need to set this field to null at which point this module will not create any policies/alarms.

Note: the desired count of the ECS Fargate Service will be set the first time terraform runs but changes to desired count will be ignored after the first time.

CloudWatch logs

This module will create a CloudWatch log group named fargate/<app_name> with log streams named <app_name>/<container_name>/<container_id>.

For instance with the above example the logs could be found in the CloudWatch log group: fargate/example-api with the container logs in example-api/example/12d344fd34b556ae4326...


Name Type Description
fargate_service object Fargate ECS Service object
ecs_cluster object ECS Cluster (created or pre-existing) the service is deployed on
fargate_service_security_group object Security Group object assigned to the Fargate service
task_definition object The task definition object of the fargate service
codedeploy_deployment_group object The CodeDeploy deployment group object.
codedeploy_appspec_json_file string Filename of the generated appspec.json file
alb object The Application Load Balancer (ALB) object
alb_target_group_blue object The Application Load Balancer Target Group (ALB Target Group) object for the blue deployment
alb_target_group_green object The Application Load Balancer Target Group (ALB Target Group) object for the green deployment
alb_security_group object The ALB's security group object
dns_record object The DNS A-record mapped to the ALB
autoscaling_step_up_policy object Autoscaling policy to step up
autoscaling_step_down_policy object Autoscaling policy to step down
task_role object IAM role created for the tasks.
task_execution_role object IAM role created for the execution of tasks.


This module also creates a JSON file in the project directory: appspec.json used to initiate a CodeDeploy Deployment.

Here's an example appspec.json file this creates:

  "Resources": [
      "TargetService": {
        "Properties": {
          "LoadBalancerInfo": {
            "ContainerName": "example",
            "ContainerPort": 8000
          "TaskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:task-definition/example-api-def:2"
        "Type": "AWS::ECS::SERVICE"
  "version": 1

And example with lifecycle hooks:

  "Hooks": [
      "BeforeInstall": null
      "AfterInstall": "AfterInstallHookFunctionName"
      "AfterAllowTestTraffic": "AfterAllowTestTrafficHookFunctionName"
      "BeforeAllowTraffic": null
      "AfterAllowTraffic": null
  "Resources": [
      "TargetService": {
        "Properties": {
          "LoadBalancerInfo": {
            "ContainerName": "example",
            "ContainerPort": 8000
          "TaskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:123456789123:task-definition/example-api-def:2"
        "Type": "AWS::ECS::SERVICE"
  "version": 1

CodeDeploy Blue-Green Deployment

This module creates a blue-green deployment process with CodeDeploy. If a codedeploy_test_listener_port is provided this module will create an ALB listener that will allow public traffic from that port to the running fargate service.

When a CodeDeploy deployment is initiated (either via a pipeline or manually) CodeDeploy will:

  1. call lambda function defined for BeforeInstall hook
  2. attempt to create a new set of tasks (called the replacement set) with the new task definition etc. in the unused ALB Target Group
  3. call lambda function defined for AfterInstall hook
  4. associate the test listener (if defined) to the new target group
  5. call lambda function defined for AfterAllowTestTraffic hook
  6. call lambda function defined for BeforeAllowTraffic hook
  7. associate the production listener to the new target group
  8. call lambda function defined for AfterAllowTraffic hook
  9. wait for the codedeploy_termination_wait_time in minutes before destroying the original task set (this is useful if you need to manually rollback)

At any step (except step #1) the deployment can rollback (either manually or by the lambda functions in the lifecycle hooks or if there was an error trying to actually deploy)