
Deprecated in 2013. A StreamHub (Backbone) plugin that visualizes 2 streams as a ticker in X axis, and feed views in the Y axis.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


streamhub-ticker is a StreamHub App that that visualizes two streams as a ticker in X axis (Ticker), and feed views in the Y axis (Feed). Display social content for various topics relevant to your website or app.

Getting Started

The quickest way to use streamhub-ticker is to use the built version hosted on Livefyre's CDN.


streamhub-ticker depends on streamhub-sdk. Ensure it's been included in your page.

<script src="http://cdn.livefyre.com/libs/sdk/v1.0.1-build.147/streamhub-sdk.min.gz.js"></script>

Include streamhub-ticker too.

<script src="http://cdn.livefyre.com/libs/apps/genehallman/streamhub-ticker/v2.0.1.build.4/streamhub-ticker.min.js"></script>

Optionally, include some reasonable default CSS rules for StreamHub Content. This stylesheet is provided by the StreamHub SDK.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn.livefyre.com/libs/sdk/v1.0.1-build.147/streamhub-sdk.gz.css" />


  1. Require streamhub-sdk and streamhub-ticker

     var Hub = Livefyre.require('streamhub-sdk'),
         TickerView = Livefyre.require('streamhub-ticker');
  2. An empty ticker is no fun, define the Ticker (x-axis) and Feed (y-axis) collections to be displayed.

       var tickerOpts = {
           network: "labs-t402.fyre.co",
           siteId: "303827",
           articleId: "labs_tumblr_demo",
           environment: "t402.livefyre.com"
       var feedOpts = {
           network: "labs-t402.fyre.co",
           siteId: "303827",
           articleId: "labs_demo_fire",
           environment: "t402.livefyre.com"
  3. Then create a stream manager for each collection.

      var tickerStreams = Hub.StreamManager.create.livefyreStreams(tickerOpts);
      var feedStreams = Hub.StreamManager.create.livefyreStreams(feedOpts);
  4. Create a TickerView, passing the DOMElement to render it in (el option).

     var tickerView = new TickerView({
         el: document.getElementById('ticker')
  5. Finally, bind both ticker and feed streamManagers to the Ticker View and start it up.


You now have a Deck! See this all in action on this jsfiddle.

Local Development

Instead of using a built version of streamhub-ticker from Livefyre's CDN, you may wish to fork, develop on the repo locally, or include it in your existing JavaScript application.

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/genehallman/streamhub-ticker

Development dependencies are managed by npm, which you should install first.

With npm installed, install streamhub-ticker's dependencies. This will also download Bower and use it to install browser dependencies.

cd streamhub-ticker
npm install

This repository's package.json includes a helpful script to launch a web server for development

npm start

You can now visit http://localhost:8080/ to see an example feed loaded via RequireJS.


Livefyre StreamHub is used by the world's biggest brands and publishers to power their online Content Communities. StreamHub turns your site into a real-time social experience. Curate images, videos, and Tweets from across the social web, right into live blogs, chats, widgets, and dashboards. Want StreamHub? Contact Livefyre.