LivelyGig's freelance marketplace front end. Please join LivelyGig at Slack or Twitter for more information, community updates and the latest development.
Application is broadly divided into three parts:
Used as proxy to GloseVal backend server - this will go away once the front end is fully implementedclient
Scala.js application (client side, after compliation etc. runs on browser)shared
Shared scala code between the server and the client
The build process requires several pieces of software to be installed on the host system:
- Java Development Kit 8.0
- SBT 0.13.9 - This will download rest of the required softwares i.e. scala etc.
- Git client
Before running the application you need to have node.js installed
Then do npm install at the project root to install jsdom
To run the application, open a command line interface (CLI) follow the step below (run individual each command):
git clone
sbt -verbose -Dhttp.port=8080 run
or sbt -java-home <JAVA_HOME> -verbose -J-Xmx3G -Dconfig.trace=loads stage
for example: sbt -java-home /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk -verbose -J-Xmx3G -Dconfig.trace=loads stage
Then visit the home page at http://localhost:8080/
To edit source code using IntelliJ IDEA editor please follow the instruction in Google Docs [here] (
To install 'sbt', you may need to use Homebrew on your mac:
brew install sbt
Or you can configure after downloading and unzipping 'sbt' to your executable path by editing '.bash_profile' if using bash shell on unix or linux or mac system
or in Windows system