
2D graphics library for Lua

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


butterfly is an object-oriented 2D graphics library for Lua, targeting the Quartz graphics engine.

Adding the library to an Xcode project

  1. Build and install the library and header files:

    make && make install

    You can specify the deployment target using the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable, for example export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13.

  2. Set the Xcode build settings for your target:

    • Add /usr/local/include to Header Search Paths (HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS).
    • Add /usr/local/lib/libbutterfly.a to Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS).
  3. Load butterfly graphics classes in your Lua state:

    • Add #include <butterfly/lua.h> to the file where you initialize your Lua state.
    • Call bf_lua_load to set up the globals and metatables for the butterfly graphics classes.
  4. Create a canvas object for your Lua code to draw into:

    • Add #include <butterfly/quartz.h>.
    • Call BFCanvasMetricsCreate and BFCanvasCreateForDisplay to create a butterfly canvas from a Quartz graphics context.
    • Call bf_lua_push to push the canvas onto the Lua stack. You can use Lua APIs like lua_setglobal or lua_pcall to assign the canvas to a global variable or call a function passing it as a parameter.
  5. Draw into the canvas from your Lua scripts.

Lua classes

The bf_lua_load C function installs the following global variables in the Lua state:

  • Color
  • Font
  • Gradient
  • Icon
  • PaintMode
  • Path
  • StyledString
  • Transformation

Canvas objects

A canvas represents a Quartz graphics context that can be drawn to. This can be a view or an offscreen image. Unlike the other classes which can be instantiated from Lua scripts, canvases must be provided to Lua from the host environment.

Setting canvas attributes


Drawing paths


Drawing text

canvas:drawText(text, x, y)
canvas:strokeText(text, x, y)


Getting a color

local color = Color.rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)

red, green, blue, and alpha range from 0 to 1.

Using a color


Applies the color to subsequent drawing operations in the canvas.


Getting a font

local params = { name = 'Comic Sans MS', size = 18 }
local font = Font.get(params)

In addition to the font name and size, the parameters can include the following key-value pairs to request additional font features if they’re supported by the font:

  • lowercase = 'smallCaps'
  • numberCase = 'lowercase' or numberCase = 'uppercase'
  • numberSpacing = 'proportional' or numberSpacing = 'monospaced'

Getting the system font

local systemFont = Font.system(size)
local boldSystemFont = Font.boldSystem(size)

Using a font


Applies the font to subsequent text drawing operations in the canvas.

Also see Creating a styled string.


Creating an empty path

local path = Path.new()

Adding to a path

path:addSubpath({ x = x, y = y })

Starts a new subpath starting at x and y.

path:addLine({ x = x, y = y })

Continues from the current point to x and y.

path:addCurve({ cx1 = cx1, cy1 = cy1, cx2 = cx2, cy2 = cy2, x = x, y = y })

Adds a cubic Bézier curve using the specified control points and ending at x and y.


Returns to the starting point of the current subpath and closes the subpath.

path:addRect({ left = left, bottom = bottom, right = right, top = top }, radius)

Adds a new subpath for a rectangle with the specified boundaries. radius is optional and if specified will produce a rounded rectangle.

path:addOval({ left = left, bottom = bottom, right = right, top = top })

Adds a new subpath for an oval with the specified boundaries.

Drawing a path

A path is not drawn until it’s passed to the canvas fill or stroke method:



Creating a styled string

local params = { font = font }
local styledString = StyledString.new(string, params)

Combining styled strings

local styledString = styledString1 .. styledString2

Drawing a styled string

canvas:drawText(styledString, x, y)
canvas:strokeText(styledString, x, y)


Creating a null transformation

local transformation = Transformation.identity()

Transforming a transformation

transformation:translate(x, y)

Combining transformations


Applying a transformation


Applies the transformation to subsequent drawing operations in the canvas. It’s often a good idea to put this in a preserve block so that you can easily return to the original coordinate system:

    -- drawing commands here use the transformed coordinate system
-- drawing commands here use the original coordinate system

lua2png example

make lua2png
./lua2png <width> <height> <input.lua> <output.png>

The Lua script returns a function taking a canvas object as its only argument. For example:

return function(canvas)
    local rect = canvas:metrics():rect()
    local path = Path.new()
        :addSubpath{ x = 0.5, y = 0.7 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.8, y = 1.0 }
        :addLine{ x = 1.0, y = 0.7 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.7, y = 0.4 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.8, y = 0.2 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.6, y = 0.0 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.5, y = 0.2 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.4, y = 0.0 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.2, y = 0.2 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.3, y = 0.4 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.0, y = 0.7 }
        :addLine{ x = 0.2, y = 1.0 }
    canvas:concatTransformation(Transformation.identity():scale(rect.right - rect.left))
        :setPaint(Color.rgba(1.0, 0.4, 0.3, 1.0))